Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with CRISTIAN WALLACE
I am a professional drummer with 28 years of experience in the music industry. I am fully equipped to add a unique touch to your songs. I love to play rock, metal, punk, pop and almost any music genere from seventies to the actual music. I have a lot of experience playing live and studio working with passion and love respecting my bandmates
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If you need someone to rap on your song or if you just need some help putting a song together, look no further, I got you covered.
I like to make all kinds of electronic music. Let's connect and create something.
Trained vocalist and songwriter specializing in poetic, introspective lyrics & gripping melodies. Genres include pop, singer-songwriter, indie pop, folk pop, alt pop.
Get professional studio recordings without leaving the comfort of home.
If you need smooth RnB/Soul/Gospel vocals for your track, look no farther.
The best result is my priority.
the creative duo Golden Mindz. I am a producer, composer and mixing engineer for songs by artists such as Maluma, Shakira, Rauw Alejandro, Christian Nodal, CNCO, Greeicy, Natti Natasha, Piso 21 and labels such as Sony music, Universal y warner music.
Experienced recording engineer in search of expanding his expertise. Currently owner of my own diy recording studio. I've got experience with recording drums, bass, acoustic and electric guitars, piano, brass session and vocal recording for music and podcasts. Also have experience in mixing, mastering music on Pro tools and working with audiovisual
Recent Successes
"Budget is everything but quality is more important! This guy is both! Perfectionist and great with instructions. "
"Jarell has an amazing unique voice, incredible tone, authentic control, and a knack for emotive performance. On top of that, he's communicative, responsive, and super professional. I can't recommend him enough!"
"There is a reason that Stephen has 460 five star reviews - he gives his all to every project. He is truly amazing!!"
"Another beautiful arrangement from Steve on a melancholy 3/4 time track. Steve's strings bring out emotions that even I (as the writer) wouldn't have otherwise experienced. Truly remarkable!"
"Made my songs sound so professional - great job. Cheers Gabe!"
"Molly was a pleasure to work with. She has listen what I needed and then brought my track to life. She has an amazing voice. Perfect for any House/Dance styles."
"Simon captured my vision in music amazingly well. He created music that was aligned with the narrative and emotions of the lyrics. At the same time, he made himself availble and attentive to answer questions and discu..."