Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Could You Spell That?
Kyle C. Norris is a media & stage composer as well as a successful Music Director, Instrumentalist, and Vocal Coach. He's worked with such artists as Idina Menzel, Anthony Rapp, Grant Gustin and played on Broadway shows, Broadway tours, the Las Vegas strip, and theaters across the U.S. He holds a Master's degree in Film Scoring from Berklee.
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Hi, I am a recent graduate of a BSc honours degree in Music Technology. I achieved a first class honours degree, which is the highest level of achievement. I produce music, mix and master, also enjoy doing sound designs and soundscapes for moving image. If there is anything I haven't done music wise, I am not afraid to dive into it and get it done!
BEA GO is an modern pop vocalist experienced in digital music production and audio engineering. I offer clean, professional female vocals for your project – including, but not limited to, music features, commercials, and voice-overs!
I'm a Composer/String Arranger based in LA. I've worked on projects featured on Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and National Geographic, as well as songs on pop radio and streaming sites. I specialize in Film, Television, Trailers and Ads, in addition to arranging strings and orchestra for mainstream music.
Songwriter/Producer/Mixing Engineer based in Drogheda/Monaghan, Ireland. Keelan has worked on tracks receiving over 1M Spotify streams, various sync partners with the likes of Ryanair and Made in Chelsea.
All dressed up and nowhere to go, mother/daughter musicians Stephanie & Ava Anderson joined creative and technical forces to establish Keeping Room Records. This is your fully remote, one-stop shop for production & engineering, jingles, sync music, mixing a single/album/EP, and more. Welcome to The Keeping Room.
I’m 808 Mondo One of the biggest influencers, Producer & Songwriter coming from Cleveland, Ohio & I’ve done music with Lil Cray, Young Dolph, Key Glock, Sosa 808 & Many More I also have a album out dedicated to my city called “4eva luv” A album with all cleveland artists & producers working on the same goal
My songwriting has been co-signed by VIC MENSA, Johan Lenox & BIGBABYGUCCI. Industry-level engineers/producers such as Sergio Cortez & Hunter Heflin display our work as self-promo. I have over a million stream cross-platforms for my solo work as Khi Lo.
Lyrical Rapper, Songwriter, Audio Engineer & Producer.
Recent Successes
"Will helped me improve the song lyrics and did a great job. He is kind, professional and delivers results quickly. He is great to work with and I can truly recommend him."
"Kevin has worked as producer on a couple of songs now. His work is outstanding, he really knows how to make everything sound better and what a track is missing. Everything he has produced for me so far went beyond wh..."
"This was a very close to the edge project. Taking Stige out of his comfort zone but he handled the concept like a professional. quick turn around. he is on his game for sure. love working with him, you will too."
"I contacted Ivy to sing on a cover. Her timbre is crazy; she gave the song a particular colour. I am delighted. Very kind and proactive. It was enjoyable working with her!! "
"This is my first time working with Baylee and will for sure be coming back! She went above and beyond on both the songwriting as well as the final vocals to bring my track to another level. Always amazing to work with..."
"Amazing quick ans great mix & mastering service! Awesome job!"
"Adam, produced, mixed and mastered a dance track and I seriously couldn't be happier. Nailed the implementation of the notes I had. Killer killer killer! Thanks Adam!"