Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cosmote Tv
Composer, Film composer, Pianist, Orchestrator & Arranger
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Audio Branding/ Voice-Over Services ,based in Dubai / UAE
I’m good at making inspirational music whether for myself or other artists. I’d love to collaborate and work with other artists and help bring more life to their music.
My way is long. But I do everything to do a good job. I will not disappoint. I do mix work with proper color and following your reference.
I produce music for the Contemporary Christian and Worship Music genre. I am a top producer on loopcommunity.com. I love working with songwriters to help develop and complete their song ideas. I can make your song ideas come to life and deliver a polished final sound. I love to see people’s music dreams come to life.
I've worked with well know artists around Ireland and the UK. I'm a multi-instrumentalist which has helped me through my producing journey.
Beatmaker, songwriter, producer, mixing engineer
Hello, I am a guitar player and I have been working as a professional musician for 20 years. I have been playing in many different musical styles such as bossa nova, jazz, pop and rock. I also use a wide pallet of instruments like Classical Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Ukulele and Mandolin.
Recent Successes
"A new master with Andres, and as always very satisfied with the results and the way Andres works. Communication with him is great and he is always willing to understand your vision to get the best results possible. "
"Andres made the music shine. Top notch engineer. "
"Jordan is the man if you need perfect vocal for your next track, he can quickly transform a stone into a diamond. I Highly recommend Jordan"
"First time working with Steve and won't be the last. Really great work. Beautiful parts , beautifully played. Highly recommend. "
"He understood what I wanted so well and the final composition is so good."
"Soon, there will be a song that’s going to make Marcello a household name throughout the world. He should be a household name, since his vocal delivery is beyond amazing. Such energy, such passion, such engagement wit..."
"It's a pleasure working with John such a cool guy his hard work and patience is a bonus, he does what he says. His work on vocals just amazing. He had top notch skills with unique modern pop sound. John listens and wo..."
"Nana is an awesome writer and a vocalist, he delivered the perfect ideas I envisioned, cant wait to go back for more."