Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cosmonautas
If you're seeking someone to ensure that your recordings or live shows exude personality, professional guitar tones, razor-sharp riffs, or vocals that make you feel like you're ascending to the heavens, you've found the right person. Let's create something extraordinary.
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My name is Mo, I love everything that relates to hip hop and music, In 2012 I graduated from "Kinneret College" Sound Engineering Studies, I run my own website that give audio service, free beats & sampels packs for download.
love 90´ hip hop and try follow this style boom bap jazzbeat and soulfoul
Fact sheet: https://www.37d.co/linden-jay /// I have a multi-faceted skill set across production, musicianship and engineering which enables me to take a record from the start to finish. I have my own projects which most of my time is spent on but am also available from time to time as work-for-hire and I'm very flexible as I have my own studio.
Professional mixing and mastering engineer based in Berlin.
Passionate mix engineer, producer and versatile musician based in London eager to collaborate with artists who want to bring their unique sound to life.
I live journeys through moments of daily life, and I nourish myself with intimate psychophysical experiences. I like to view life on a cosmic scale and meet, along the way, masters of ecstasy who master the fire with tears of the soul. I love the search for words that heal souls scarcely resistant to gravity.
Recent Successes
"BENNY is AMAZING ! He is patient , and took time to exactly understand which sound i wanted to give to my track , and found the perfect match with it , he is a very talented mixer and i recommand him to everyone !"
"Clean and Quick Tuning! As good as it gets! "
"Super talented, easy to work with. "
"What a beautiful effortless experience it is working with you Tony Morra. You are an intuitive extremely musical craftsman that has breathed new life into a song I am now excited to see through to fruition. You have..."
"Jenny G is an excellent vocalist. She delivered on schedule and according to instructions. Even when singing as instructed, her performance has sincerity and wonderful character. Communication was easy, timely and ple..."
"Awesome mixer and master engineer, I had a really bad sound system when I first heard the mix, and wasn't hearing the mix as It should be, but know I have upgraded my equipment and have it set correctly, it sounds great."
"Will puts his heart and soul, and imagination, into every project - and he really works to bring out the best in a song. He listens, he is flexible, and he really puts in the time and energy to deliver a final audio ..."