Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Snowqlq
Seasoned engineer with 4+ yoe in mixing and mastering, mainly on urban genres with some experience on rock, pop and EDM
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The Tiny Studio was created by Karl Ancia recording engineer at the national Opera House of Belgium "La Monnaie" We do mainly live surround acoustic music recordings, multichannel sound designs & sound reinforcement for classical music concerts, theatre and opera productions.
Hey! I'm Nick a music producer, mixing and mastering engineer & songwriter from New Jersey who specializes in all facets of pop music. My artist project "Ruff" has amassed over 20 million streams across all DSPs. I'll work side-by-side with you every step of the way to assure that your final track is radio-ready to your 110% satisfaction!
I am a multi-genre session bassist and music producer.
I'm not watching where the light comes from, I'm watching what it shines.
Mixing/Mastering Engineer - IG: @prod.iiara
Versatile singer, cellist, composer, arranger, weirdo. Have run the gamut on genres, singing everything from creepy Halloween hits on a Disney Japan show to wailing bluegrass-inspired covers of traditional tunes on Irish television to belting ball-busting Musical Theatre tunes to whispering the airy, ethereal tone that's popular in EDM. Let's work.
Having toured internationally as a featured vocalist for Hugh Jackman, as well as working in several West End musicals, recordings for Warner Bros and a singer-songwriter in her own right, I have the experience and versatility to get you the vocals you need for your project.
I'm a Producer, Mixing, and Mastering engineer! I have been producing music since 2018 as an independent artist, and now I'm confident enough to help others with their mixing and mastering
Recent Successes
"Awesome! Superb once again!"
"Carlo is really good at mastering. He took my mix and did a really good job, it sounds just amazing. Also, is really fast and I personally feel he did understand the full picture of the song and enhance it a lot. 100%..."
"Brandon just did another amazing bassline for me. Spuerb performace and recording. This man brings major creativity and vibe to every project - I feel very lucky to be able to work with him. Thanks Brandon!"
"Marcelo has a great vibe and a great feel, his sounds are so cool and he goes above and beyond to make me happy! Love this guy!"
"R Reed is a very experienced songwriter with so many vibes. He does his work diligently. Super satisfied!"
"I'm just gonna say it, I know we are all thinking it... HE'S A LIVING LEGEND"
"Nicole has a depth and pure sound to her vocals, and she delivered a very nice set of tracks and final composition. I appreciate her talent, and her acoustic guitar certainly compliments her works! Thank you for shari..."
"best guitarist ever"
"We are Brady Beats and The Token Girl, a DJ/Producer Duo out of South-Florida. We have worked with Alex on many projects including our full length album “Dance With Me” and it’s really taken our music to the next leve..."