Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with conrad oleak
I am a songwriter/Lyricist and vocalist. I have worked all over the world with many artists in Ireland , Zurich , Berlin and LA. I have worked with many artists as a songwriter and engineer in studios such as Hitmill studios Zurich, Tonscheune Oleak studios Berlin . Send me a message to hear my work and let’s make music
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People seem to like my work and I feel blessed that it has been twenty years doing studio recording/mixing as well as being a musician
Singer-Songwriter/Music Producer
I am an EDM producer based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and i am so passionate about music. I have 2 official tracks released and about 5 remixes.
Jackson (also known as Ecklectic) is a self taught audio engineer and producer, as well as a rapper and singer. He has been cultivating his work for over 10 years. He has worked with artists; creating their music from scratch all the way to the finishing touches.
BH PROD BEATS is a recording studio based in Marseille, with 5 years of experience in mixing , mastering , and music production, we are working with the future leads artists, so if you want a good mix , beats or even recording you're on the right place !
Do you need a strong and warm voice for your upcoming projects? Or lyrics for your songs? I am a professional singer, actress and voice over artist with more than 15 years of experience as a vocalist and voice talent. I am fluent in English, Italian and Spanish. If you are looking for impeccable quality and a fast delivery, get in touch!
I can deliver a powerful mix of your rock, metal, and punk songs.
Experienced music producer that's work with global brand names as well as Independent film and television productions.
Recent Successes
"Tibor did a great job! Very experienced sound designer. Would highly recommend!"
"Have you ever experienced that awesome feeling? That you can entrust your song to a producer, KNOWING that he is going to sprinkle stardust all over it? If you haven't, you better talk to Adrian quickly--- if he has t..."
"Scott delivers every time. If you need pro vocals for your song, look no further. He will take it to the next level."
"Emmaline just knocked out Song Number Five for me.... That should tell you everything you need to know! She is Certified .....Awesome!"
"Working with Brenna was a breeze. Quick turnaround. Her fiddle playing is first rate and she gave me a wealth of material to work with. Her tone is soulful and her technique and pitch are on point for sure. She has el..."
"Matty took my midi tracks and made them sound full and saturated and professional. The quality sounds just like a #1 hit song, Make It Happen, that I love by Mariah Carey!! He is professional and courteous. His ear..."
"I believe Shelley has a unique and deep understanding of music and emotion. Everything she sings seems so effortless and natural. And most of all, she gave me confidence in writing my own stuff."