Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Combo Cosmico
Pro level services for independent artists on a budget. Let's create that sound you've been looking for.
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Create Your Songs Like You Hear Them In Your Head
You can expect me to be an all-round consultant for your music production and audio engineering needs who will get your project sounding the way you envision it.
👾I write music and I love it /Escribo música y es mi pasión 👾
Hi all, I play live here in the Maltese islands on a weekly basis, for the past 15 years from festivals to bar gigs, I also have a small studio running and I can record guitar tracks, electric or acoustic. Main genres are pop, funk, blues, and rock. I look forward to working with all of you, my main aim to make your music sound better!
I've been writing and producing music for 10 years, and in the last 2 years have taken heavily to remixing. I favour a minimalist approach to music production - less is often more. This gives each instrument/sound space to breathe, allowing for powerful basslines and drums, warm mids, crisp highs, and vocals that shine.
I¨m a professional session bass player who's been lucky enough to play all kinds of genres, with musicians from Colombia, Peru, Argentina, U.S. Etc. Hit me up if you want to record some bass tracks for your music. I have my own equipped home studio ready to do some recordings all over the world
hello! I am Y.B.A artist and producer looking to work with other artists and get your track and songs to the next level
Recent Successes
"Daramola is a very talented singer! The vocals on my track went from zero to hero thanks to Daramola I got radio quality vocals now thanks to Daramola. Definitely working with him again on my future projects! Great q..."
"Tim is an amazing "coach" and consultant - he works very delicate with the material to keep the whole original flow, but explains in detail how to improve the weak places and push the track forward. His advice is alwa..."
"Bailey is an incredible talent, so easy to work with, great communication. That voice! Her vocals blew me away, her tone and delivery out of this world - goosebumps! Everything I could have asked for and more. Defini..."
"Sofia did an amazing job on my hip-hop mix. Besides completing a song within 24 hours, everything was organized and positively interacted. The communication was straightforward and the working process-efficient. Looki..."
"Great experience. Tyler is a true artist with great ideas but also is willing to adapt to the requirements of the project. Will work with him again. "
"Always a pleasure with you, amazing Singer delivered a absolutelly banger !!"
"Great Producer! Great Artist! Chase is the best around. "
"Christoph delivered exactly what the track needed. Thank you so much. I will definitely work with him again in the future."
"Matt is easy to work with, and genuinely cares about the quality of the outcome, and achieving your vision. Just did my first song with him, and after just one revision it was sounding better than I dreamed. Will be c..."
"Incredible talent! Love working with Deza. She is a top shelf studio level musician. Her creativity is a natural gift few posses - she brought new life to my song. Her beautiful voice is unique and special."