Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with colorsystem
Crisp, Big, Punchy mixes - specializing in pop, rock, and rap. Also more than happy to work in a production/songwriting capacity. Expert at transparently tuning and cleaning up vocals, vocal mixing, and putting that finishing touch on a song to make it shine.
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For 13 years I have been singing in recording studios and performing on stages as lead and background vocalist. I regularly do studio and online sessions for various music studios, solo musicians, radio/TV production companies.
Discvr'd askd to sign for 1 year on the spot from a karaoke stage, after 1 year, into studio to cover old greats a raw natural talent got through famous tv producer auditions, signed music management, began to song write working for various producers in all various genre' except heavy metal. doing demo's releases commercial and other.
Looking for an innovative mix/production that maintains the sensibilities of commercially successful recordings? Look no further.
Sou cantor de muito cedo aos 13 anos de idade já participava de festivais de músicas, tenho um álbum musical de louvor a Deus todas de minha autoria. Sonho em visita cidades cantando sobre o amor de Deus por todos nós.
" Make a suitable sound "
I've played in multiple bands and worked with top artists and producers over the years.
We are here to help you achieve professional award winning quality of your songs; satisfaction guaranteed! We've mastered and mixed hundreds of songs (including our own) and will help guide you through the process of getting us the BEST POSSIBLE final mix you can, and finally, bringing out the beauty of it with our professional mastering.
Producer and mix engineer for David Pugh (check him out on all platforms). I'm a student at Texas A&M who has real passion for mixing music. Looking for work outside of College Station to keep expanding my horizons. I'm constantly improving.
Recent Successes
"Very fast and precise. Very cool communication. Very cool flow. "
"Great time working with Kelly! Their brasses gave so much life to my tracks. "
"brad is a legend, by far my fav audio engineer I've worked with he can definitely capture your vision for you. 10/10."
"Another awesome project, and in this project, Ziv absolutely outdid himself. He was already an A+ guitarist and composer, and he proves each and every time how talented and skillful he is with producing the highest qu..."
"Always a pleasure to collaborate with Mike, who delivers top quality bass parts every single time. A great pro to work with. "
"I had enlisted Daniela's help in consulting on a mix and am very happy I did. Her suggestions in some key areas allowed the song to hit the mark I was aiming for. Her responses are quick and straight to the point whic..."
"Will was great to work with, communication went really well and the result is exactly what I wanted. He is very talented! He helped me bring my song to life and approached it with genuine care. It was a pleasure worki..."
"Fred is an incredible professional and I always appreciate his friendliness, helpfulness, willingness to help, and his desire to accommodate even the weirdest requests. Will definitely keep working with him."
"James is back at it again with another killer master! We’ve been working together for a while and i don’t ever see myself slowing down on projects with him."