Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mercury Harbor
Crisp, Big, Punchy mixes - specializing in pop, rock, and rap. Also more than happy to work in a production/songwriting capacity. Expert at transparently tuning and cleaning up vocals, vocal mixing, and putting that finishing touch on a song to make it shine.
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Looking for professional music production? I have access to a wide range of production tools, full studio, live recording capabilities, vocals, music production, mixing, and mastering. I'm cheaper than most professionals, but with a quality to rival the best.
I look to find what a song needs in order to have the message of the song come across clearly to the audience. It’s what I’ve learned to do with the 3 tracks and upcoming EP that I have self-released, -produced, -engineered and performed. I’m unique and thoughtful in my approach. Let’s collaborate and make something special!
Life is too short so make it happen! My skills like mixing and mastering will be used to the fullest in every project and delivered on time.
I´ll mix/produce any genre you want, I´m a lifelong musician who can understand and transmit your ideas.
I'm a drummer and guitar player and singer. I record, mix and mastering for myself from ten years. Pop/Rock/Metal
One of the easiest mixers to work with! I mix everything like it’s my own project. Everything from folk to hardcore, 1 track to 100 tracks. My #1 goal is to give you a product you’ll love and help get you where you want to be in the music world.
Fast, unique and world class.
Mixing with passion
Recent Successes
"Mario @ Quantum Music created fantastic mastering for my album! Wide stereo spread, great balance and clarity. Easily a joy to work with and very responsive. I'd highly recommend sending your songs his way for a quick..."
"Really amazing work!"
"È stata la prima volta che ho utilizzato questo servizio, Damiano ha fatto un ottimo lavoro ed è stato un piacere lavorare insieme a lui. Tante idee interessanti condivise ed è stato molto disponibile fin da subito. "
"Great work! Thank you for being on point and delivering on time! Much appreciated!"
"Ryan's uniquely soulful voice brought some real magic to our track. The melody choice, lyrics, singing were all just top-notch. I really couldn't imagine anyone else singing it. Ryan exceeded all expectations. "
"Elliot is quick, efficient and professional. I've worked with him several times, and he will always be the first name I think of when it comes to having my newest track mastered."
"Asked Darren if he was able to recreate a song and he did an amazing job. 10/10 would recommend! "
"In every sense, Andrew is the Complete Professional. His style, Versatility, his work ethic and reliability. Everytime I work with him I'm excited to hear where he takes my song. I totally trust his Artistry and alwa..."