Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cloester
Young remote electric guitarist for hire, accessible professional guitar tracks for you! Top accomplishment is my own song on Spotify: Fly on the Wall by Cloester. I worked for producer Jochem Broersen and the tracks I recorded with him are released soon. Hire me for tight but natural guitar tracks.
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We are a world class recording, mixing and mastering facility in Palm Beach County, Florida. Our A Room is built around a custom Neve V66 console and our B Room houses an SSL 8000 G/B G Series console. Our mastering suite consists of mainly Prism Sound Maselec Gear. We have recorded, mixed and mastered multi platinum and gold selling records.
Inspiring new Indian artist with sounds of Rock to Indian Fusion music. Listen to Bittu's urban sound with his talent in production of singing, to playing instruments and mixing beats with classical sounds.
Hello, I am an American Mix engineer/producer living in Luxembourg. I look forward to working with you
2005 Grammy Nominated Mixer/Producer Since 1998 : Music Publishing - Mixing studio - Post production - Consulting - Worldwide Digital Distribution.
Producer, Guitarist and Composer based in LA. Ramon has produced, written and played on tracks that have been featured in hit TV shows (Pretty Little Liars, Jane the Virgin, From Dusk ´till Dawn and many reality shows), ads or with artists and bands (Elis Paprika, Constelación). Always looking for that "extra" spark that make a track stand out!
If you seek emotion and depth in your music - consult me for original, finished and release-ready material.
Hey, Tamas here. I’m a rapper, song/melody writer, music producer, beatmaker and I can also provide mixing mastering, so I’m a full package. I’m almost familiar with every kind of genre but I feel the most comfortable with the urban styles like hip-hop/rap. But enough of the talking because the music speaks for itself, so check it out.
Young remote electric guitarist for hire, accessible professional guitar tracks for you! Top accomplishment is my own song on Spotify: Fly on the Wall by Cloester. I worked for producer Jochem Broersen and the tracks I recorded with him are released soon. Hire me for tight but natural guitar tracks.
Recent Successes
"Frank is great guy to work with -- very easy going, willing to listen to feedback from the client, but still willing to provide his opinion. Was able to look at lyrics and then incorporate them into an original song t..."
"Really Fantastic sounding voice, works it to get it right!"
"Myah is excellent to work with that I hired her almost immediately after I received the first finished product. Just finished the second project with her. She did my production on the same song and it turned out beaut..."
"The music went from night to day because of Adam Haggar at Mount Olympia Mastering's work. He tightened the vocals, gave it clarity and dimension that was hidden before the mastering. Thanks Adam, until next time!"
"G is a legend. "
"Dan was very patient with me and followed all the revisions I gave him. He communicated well throughout the whole process and stuck with his deadlines. End result was great!"
"Wonderful voice and a real professional. She did what I asked for and it was wonderful. Great singer here :)"
"Sasha is super professional and completes tasks before they are even scheduled to be finished . Her understanding of technical musical elements is very impressive ! She also pairs it with a very in depth emotional and..."
"This guys is a tour de force. Vocals, lyrics, melody, ad libs…. He does everything really well! Great working with you again!!"
"Tokyo is truly professional with excellent sound design skill, at the same time great to work with. The sound design he provided is remarkable, and the results at this stage are really ideal. Due to my personal reason..."