Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with clara spagnuolo
Transform your tracks into hits with my expert online mixing and mastering services! Experience crystal-clear sound, punchy dynamics, and professional polish. Quick turnaround, top-tier quality, and custom attention make your music shine. Ready to captivate your audience? Let’s make your music legendary—start now!
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Sean McCue is a producer, songwriter who started his career when his alternative rock band Summercamp signed to Madonna's label Maverick in 1996. He's been writing, recording and producing ever since.
Hi, my dear friend, I'm mixing & mastering engineer, who really cares about your mixes and budgets safety.
2 time Grammy nominated LA based Producer/Mixer. Major Label clients include Idina Menzel (Warner) and Pablo Alboran, Vanesa Martin (Warner Spain). I also have a lot of Indie label and no label clients. Send me a demo, I'll return a fully produced, mixed and mastered recording ready for release. Let's make some music!
Singer-Songwriter, Lyricist
I worked on many italian top chart songs (2x platinum certifications) and on tv commercials.
Multi-award winning vocalist, songwriter, and certified music producer / audio engineer in Hollywood, California. Millions of streams on Spotify & YouTube. With over 25 years of experience & training, I bring heart & soul to every project I work on. Walk-in iso sound booth at professional studio used for all recordings and projects. ✨
I'm an amateur singer and a brand new voice talent.
Watu Fresh is a Sensational Musical Duo (MaxMillion and Mr. Kesho) Managed by Masauti Entertainment.
Recent Successes
"Melissa did a fantastic job with the track. Great interpretation!"
"So pleased with the outcome! Justin wrote and recorded a hook on a track for me. I will defo be collaborating with him in the future!!"
"Andres is definitely a great guy to work with. He is patient, gives great feedback on your mix, and really wants to make your song sound good. He’s professional and has quality, but he can still work with our song whi..."
"Mark did a perfect job. Directly the first approach was spot on. 10/10."
"Great delivery! Thanks alot! "
"James makes his works so quick and good so you think that he plays with music and words like magician with cards. But we know that such easiness is the high professional level."
"CC is beyond amazing! Such a friendly and talented person that I had the fortunate opportunity to work with twice! Looking forward to the future!!"
"It was a pleasure to work with Eric in 2022, definitely going to continue the relationship in 2023definitly"
"Great producer!!!!"
"This guy never ceases to amaze me! "
"Mark's grooves absolutely made this track! He knew exactly what I wanted, quickly executed my visions with incredible feel and even better musicality. His musicianship is shown not only through his talented playing, b..."