Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Clandestinos
✅ I'm looking to make your music sound better 🎛 Mixing and mastering engineer 📀 / 6 years of experience / credits in Pop, Rock, R&B, Ranchera, Hip Hop/Rap, Trap productions.
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I am a multi-instrumentalist music producer living in Quebec City. I build real live sound Hip-Hop, Reggae, Ragga, Dance, Funk, Dark and Groove instrumentals. I have been doing this since 15 years now and I worked with more than a hundred artist all around the world. My sound is unique and special, hit me up if you want something really powerful!
I’m ready to be a star! I can help you be at the top too...
A multi instrumentalist Songwriter capable of re-imagining your songs into whatever direction you want to go. 4 albums released (the last featured as New and Notable on BandCamp) - Diverse genres that showcase my versatility as a Producer / Remixer
Professional Drum Tracks for Songwriters, Musicians and Producer. Remote Drum Recording Service
With 7+ years of experience, I've produced content for major artists. Spotify Canvas, animated album artwork, lyric videos and overall motion design.
You got your single recorded, mixed and mastered and you want to go in pressing, but now people ask weird formats of you that you never hurt of. Well they want time stamps and stuff. I can do it for you. You want one song to be exactly played after the other one with a break u name it I can work it out.
Dutch music producer with 25M+ streams, signed to Sony Music Publishing. Trusted by 982 artists for unparalleled expertise in crafting hits.
Musical Artist / Producer & Songwriter.
Recent Successes
"Absolutely a pleasure to work with. She's the best! "
"Matt brought an absolutely outstanding sound to my Pop EP. Very clear, loud, and hard-hitting mixes. Really easy to communicate with and responded quickly! Amazing work and can't wait to work again in the future."
"I asked Roger to produce an EDM track for me which we hadn't worked on before and he knocked it out of the park immediately! This is a completely different genre than I've ever asked for before and he blew me away wit..."
"Another outstanding song!"
"I am so thankful that I booked a consultation meeting with Ben. I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I could have made when it comes to seeking advice and feedback on my music. Our meeting truly felt ..."
"Rainer understands every kind of music and interprets your song very sensitively. His playing on the drums is always reliable and sensitive. He delivers drum samples on a high level and everyone can use them in his ..."
"10/10 work rating. They asked precisely what I needed and delivered great work. Ready to use Upperflow from now until forever."
"Juliette has a feminine and cute voice which is a good match with my music. Juliette's timing and pitch are good and as Juliette is also a producer the files are easy to work with. This saves me time in the producti..."
"Matty was great. I can not speak highly enough about the quality and sound of the results! Clarity, punch and overall fit for the genre. Just great sound quality. Super easy to work with. Many thanks!"