Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Cicek Taksi
Luk Kipfer is guitarist, songwriter and recording engineer of the chart topping (#3 Album „Eyes Closed“) and international touring (USA, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Ukraine, Singapore) alternative rock band „The Souls“. Currently working on the new album of the New York band Augustines together with their singer and frontman William McCarthy.
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Producer and musician (keyboard player), specialized in sound mastering.
I am Paolo, I am Italian and I produce electronic music.
Hello! I am Klejd Guza, a musician from Tirana, Albania. I do audio mixing and mastering as well as session guitar and bass. I also work as a bass player for the bands Crossbones and Centralized.
Independent music producer from Luxembourg. Electronic, trip hop, downtempo, chillout, relaxation, (electro)house music. Cool creative ideas, drum programming, intricate beats, alternative, out-of-the-box thinking.
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Sound Engineer, Mixing, Mastering, Production
Your friendly neighbourhood producer & mixer. Extreme Makeover Mixing Edition ;)
Hey guys, my name is Deja. I have worked with artist like Daz Dillenger, Sugga T and many local Los Angles artist. I have been doing music professionally for 10+ years.Just getting back on the site so I will be having reduced rates
Recent Successes
"Gerco is a great musician who could get me some trumpet lines that were nearly impossible to play so difficult they were. Not only is he very professional, willing to give his best to make your tracks sound great, bu..."
"Awesome to work with and quick response time. Understood my direction and how to work on the feedback."
"Trey is a master! It's as simple as that. Lots of things make him special, but his musicianship as a multi instrumentalist combined with his best-on-SoundBetter production skills makes him a standout anywhere. Stop sc..."
"Brilliant. Just plain brilliant in every way. Writing, vocals, concepts, it doesn't matter. Brandon is a mad genius that works harder and at a higher level than just about anyone we've worked with. Hire him!! "
"It was a pleasure working with Robert! He’s easy to work with, listens to ideas and ads his own creativity! The soundtrack he created for me is a masterpiece! I would definitely love to collaborate with him again! "
"Kevin is super talented creator!! He came up with very amazing quality of the arrangement from the beginning, I was so stunned. I truly appreciate that he did all his best to meet my image and expectation, even thou..."
"Another great track completed with John. Another one nailed perfectly the first time."