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Chişinău Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hi, my name is Charles and ill be your mix engineer today. Let's get started.
Mixing & Mastering services online. Reasonable rates and quick turn around. Free sample.
Hey! My name is Jack. I am a proficient vocalist in performing, writing, and recording. I have done work ranging from rock, to jingles, commercials, and pop. Efficiency without sacrificing quality is the name of the game. I take input very well and can adapt to direction, production, and style easily.
I'm a 40 year veteran of Nashville Sessions and Tours and I've worked with everyone from Dove Award Winners to members of The Allman Brothers Band and Chet Atkins. I can bring everything from the coolest vintage bass tones to ultra modern 5 and 6 (and even 7 string) fretted and fretless basses as well as Upright and EUB and Chapman Stick.
I'm a music producer from the Netherlands. Since the age of eleven, I was involved in making music in different genres. With one musical trait "Atmosphere".
Billboard #1 Latin Producer based in Los Angeles, CA. Worked with artists like Ivan Cornejo, Peso Pluma, Becky G, Gunna and many more. Specialize in production and bringing the artists vision to life.
I rang from tinnier to high tinnier to falsetto. I have a pretty raspy voice, but I can hit some hight notes.
Online Packaging Shop for all kind of Packaging needs. Dodo Packaging is quality Custom Boxes provider in Australia.
Recent Successes
"I love working with Mr. Mig. I have had him master several songs for me. He is quick to communicate and quick to do the job. He also does mixing and has an astounding collection of pre-produced loops to choose from in..."
"More than simply keeping time, Jordan's drums and percussion will evoke your intended emotion in the listener. Fantastic. "
"Tha will upgrade your track and put a grin on your face with the quality. I highly recommend Tha because he is a professional with good service."
"Fast turnaround- Commonplace for an engineer to shy away from ambiance and keep low end heavy tracks tight and dull but he enhanced the bright and sticky aspect of it which is what I wanted without having to say that ..."
"MAny Park - He feels the music very well It's important that we send artists to sound a certain way"
"Very professional, great knowledge and great communication !!! "
"Alex was patient, professional and took the time to get the track exactly how I wanted. Would 100% recommend! Thanks Alex :) "
"Always a pleasure to work with Jazelle. She nailed every project we have worked on with her. This one is no exception. Thank you very much. :)"
"Amazing editor who oozes Shakti in each mix!"
"Taylor is amazing!! Thanks, again! "