Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chips y la Gran Ciudad
I'm Pablo, a music producer with 15+ years of experience and 40+ successful projects. I'm based in London and enrolled in the Goldsmiths University of London MMus Popular Music program. With a collaborative approach, I offer a full suite of music production services, from pre-production to mastering. Let's create something amazing together!
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More providers:
We're a record label and a music production company.
Suzuki cello from age 3 to 10. Experience with musicals, school and private, with vocal roles. Music performance experience as well as an excellent ear for tone. Achieved first place positions in poetry competitions, and other writing competitions. Experience creating mock music business entities. Currently learning Spanish and writing songs.
From Beats to Bars, I’m here for all things Hip-Hop
I'm session guitarist and producer. I have recorded for independent artists (local and international). I have a YouTube channel, you can go see it.
Guest Principal cello of the Welsh National Opera and West End musician ("Waitress", the Musical), Royal College of Music graduate Swiss cellist Timothée Botbol has enjoyed a busy solo career all over Europe and has long perfected his skills in modern music production. He is currently collaborating with multiple artists and composers remotely.
Session Bass player. Arrangement. Music to Order. Music for films
Featured on NBC's Season 21 of The Voice on Teams Blake Shelton and Ariana Grande.
Experienced in DIY recordings, works through analog-inspired digital tools, and seeks to craft audio design works that transform your performances into authentic, creatively-translated listening experiences.
Recent Successes
"Excellent work from these guys. Very attentive and open to open dialogue and feedback. 5 Stars"
"Rudiger is among the five best I have worked with on this site - and I am guessing I have worked with 100. John"
"This was second time working with Nate, and he once again did an amazing job. His drumming sounds incredible and we love the way the drums sound, too. He did a great job of taking our directions/feedback while also in..."
"I sent a track of mine to get mastered. And all I can say is.. I’ll be coming back. No doubt. So good!"
"Ryan did an Amazing job as always!!!!! He's def my go to for guitar. Everything is tasteful and spot on. Not to mentions he's super creative with his take on what I'm looking for. He is just that good!"
" I'm glad that Tommy offers his composing/vocals/banjo/steel/and other instruments/mix/master/producing on sound better. TOTAL PRO / ONE STOP MUSIC SHOP ! "
"Could not be more impressed with the work Zakhar has done. Added so much emotion to my track and did it so quickly. Could really tell he took on board what I wanted and listened to what I asked to be done. Couldn't re..."
"Alex is an outstanding mastering engineer who adds a magical touch to every production. Highly recommended for his exceptional skills and dedication to perfection."