Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chicago Youth Jazz Orchestra
Skilled trombone player/music producer experienced in jazz, R&B, classical, and pop music. Credits include the CYSO Jazz Orchestra, Merit School of Music, and Jazz Ensemble of DuPage.
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MixedByVenom is a 20 year mixing engineer from Miami, Florida who serves as the in-house engineer for Nothing Major Records and G&G Management. In addition to being a resident engineer at 4G Studios,Houdini's Box, and Northwest Baptist I also provide freelance remote mixing.
Hello there! I'm Ricardo Scirè, an italian producer/songwriter. Best regards
Born and raised in music. I produce, sing, play trumpet, piano, guitar. Every genre is welcome.
Hit Maker!!!!
I am a producer that makes instrumentals and offers mixing and mastering services.
Pro bass player with 12 years of experience both live and studio
I'm Carl, a guitarist, songwriter & composer with over 30 years experience. I'll give your music the time and respect it deserves to ensure you get the VERY best guitar parts for your track or song
i'm an argentinean music producer,beatmaker and mixing engineer, i specialize in the world of hip hop such as trap, modern hip hop and classic boombap, especially if it has a more dark and gritty approach. in terms of mixing and mastering, i can work with every genre, rock,electronic,RnB, jazz, etc
Recent Successes
"Klaas managed to give me the 3d sound, and the transparent sound i've been looking for ! His work is perfect and he makes sure that your 100 % happy with the final result. He do not rush but he listen to all your req..."
"Brandon is the best!! Get into the song and extracts the best bass track that it needs. Awesome work Brandon.I hope to have you collaborating on my next tunes!! Cheers Juan"
"Jeffrey provided amazing and highly creative drums yet again! Not only are the parts great but the stems sound absolutely amazing as his gear and mic selection is top notch and his mic placement is of that of a true m..."
"Immaculate! Stevie is the man when it comes to getting the best strings."
"Working with Dan was a great experience, he delivered me everything we agreed and super happy with the result. He also responded quick to all messages and it was clear that he tried to get the best possible results. I..."
"Phil did an awesome job on my original song, just what I had in mind with B3, curly and lap steel🤩👌"
"This is my 4th project with Chris and there is a REASON I keep coming back! He is genuinely THE best to ever do it and would recommend him 1000 times over!!!"