Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Charlie Pughe
I am professional music producer who can play guitar, keys and bass and mix and master your tracks
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Art is long, life is short - create art.
In 2002 Kate received an e-mail from Mike Burn with an invitation to come to Germany. Six months later Kate landed in Frankfurt/Germany to meet MBAF for the first time with her acoustic guitar.
100% Analog Guitar Recording with vintage and new gear!!!!
Do you in search of brazilian samba and mpb sound for your songs? I'm Bruno and I'm from Brazil. I play drums since my 7 years old. I like to play Samba, Choro, Bossa-nova, MPB, Baião, Forró, Jazz, Maracatu, Frevo, Ijexá, and many others rhythm. If you are interested in drums for your songs, click in the contact button.
I'm a songwriter and artist first, and I learned how to produce and mix to survive. I love helping musicians find their authentic voice and sound through the creative process together. I love being prolific, finishing songs, and getting art out into the world.
Experienced audio engineer with 4 years in the industry, specializing in diverse genres and fields. From video game audio to foley, dubbing, vocal mixing, recording, and music production, I bring expertise and creativity to every project. Let's elevate your sound to new heights together!
I am a new mixer and producer that has 20+ years of experience in professional music.
Recent Successes
"Always an immense pleasure doing a project with Anna, she does terrific work and is incredibly easy to work with."
"It's amazing to work with the Kick horns. Communication with Tim Sanders was great, and I could feel that while preparing arrangement and session Tim wanted to get the best possible out of the project. They understood..."
"Not the first time working with Matt and definitely not the last. We really snapped on this particular project and he's probably done his best work yet on my music! I through him a curve ball with a different genre ..."
"Joey provided spot on suggestions as well as excellent delivery! Simple and relatable lyrics and melodies definitely got what I was looking for. Thank you!"
"Alessandro really helped me reach where I wanted this song to go. His vocals are really just perfect and he gives everything to the song. Much thanks to him."
"Here’s what I like most about working with Trey; EVERYTHING I hand to him comes back to me with this improved total package energy. He’s a producer that I feel confident saying, treats every project with all his heart..."
"Can’t say enough good things about Tide Studio! Highly recommended! The Tide is IN!"
"Steven has done it again. Always a pleasure to work with and creativity is out of this world. My go-to guy for mixing from now on. "
"Top chops, solid pocket and a quick turn on the project. Thanks Jordan!"