Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ella more
I am professional music producer who can play guitar, keys and bass and mix and master your tracks
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Rock is alive and well
New Orleans Dan the Man has been a producer since 1997. He also was a DJ for ten years prior to production. Dan produces under two aliases; Tears of Technology & New Orleans Dan the Man with numerous releases.
Powerhouse music collective in which each member not only has a consistent stream of established clientele, but also are reputable solo artists. Our team of professional engineers, vocalists, instrumentalists, and composers/writers takes pride in self-sufficiency, ensuring confidence that our work is tailored to your experience as an artist.
Need Mixing and Mastering Services Message me
A major label signed vocalist with a wide variety of abilities and styles at my disposal and a 1st Class Creative Music Technology degree from Surrey University. I am able to bring high level vocals to your song, write top lines & vocal arrangements, as well as compose or produce tracks for/with an artist seeking collaboration or assistance.
Anchored in Paris and tied to Berlin, Traumship navigates in the darker, colder waters of electronic pop music. The crew embarks you on a musical journey blending various influences reminiscent of krautrock and synth pop, yet echoing the beats of today’s parties.
I am a keyboardist and pianist, hammond organ, Rhodes, Wurlitzer and clavinet with 20 years of experience, working in the studio and as a session musician around the world, collaborating with world-famous artists.
I am an audio engineer, graduated in SAE Institute Milano. I have worked in different musical projects, from reggae to classica. I have experience like recording, editing and mixing engineer.
Recent Successes
"Lukas crushed it!!! Communication was on point and of course the quality is incredible. Love his work. He's below the average cost of a Mastering Engineer but blew all of the competitors and more expensive engineers o..."
"It was great working with Rebecca. Her works met my expectation—very high-quality vocal recording, fast response, and easy to communicate. I highly recommended her to new customers. I will work with her more in the fu..."
"I keep coming back to Jenny for project after project. She is a very talented singer! Her voice is fantastic, she has great instincts as a vocalist, and delivers a perfect product every time! Great vocal tone, perfect..."
"Tyree did and excellent job with bringing my song to life. I will be returning for his services again."
"It feels good to know my project is in great hands with Giovanni! Can't wait to hear how the rest of it sounds when he finishes!"
"Daryl is my go to for mixing and mastering. He always finds a way to take your song to the next level and make it sound better than you could ever imagine. I highly recommend his services and I will definitely will be..."
"Chase was a dream come true artist! It was the fastest project completion, with high-quality vocals that were literally perfect! He's an absolute superstar! I didn't need to make a single edit and was completely blown..."
"It's always a pleasure working with Aisa and this time was no exception! She did an exquisite remix of our latest single that completely reworks the song and added amazing creative ideas."
"The second project with Alex was also a lot of fun, it's particularly great that he brings in his own ideas, but also realises wishes and ideas flawlessly and creates a masterpiece. I'm looking forward to the next pro..."