Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Charlie Crockett
Are you looking to breathe some life into your recordings? Perhaps some help balancing and polishing already great projects, or help in pushing fledgling song's over the line sounding bigger, wider, or just plain better? I'm obsessed with sound & I've got the ear and the gear to help you make your magic. Reach out & let's talk shop!
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I am an Italian musician, I've always been interested in progressive music, with no boundaries or limitations. I play seven and eight strings guitars, the Chapman Stick, sometimes I try to play piano, keyboards and eventually sing. My main focus is to compose creative music that does not surrender to any commonly accepted standard.
Deliver your project to me in any form from a basic idea recorded with the mic on your phone, to a fully recorded track which needs direction. We will then discuss your goals for the project and lay out a plan & timeline to take it to completion.
Real old skool act. Happy with evetything from tape to DAW..... Responsible for some iconic 80's .... Gary Numan , Go West and others
A passionate singer who enjoys every second of the session
I manifest the sounds you imagine! Ten years of study payed off. Not to blow my own trumpet, but it’s safe to say I’m a master of my craft.
I have more melodies than I know what to do with and it's tearing me up inside. Please free these songs from the cage that is my mind and body. Though I haven't collaborated with anyone before, I am excited at the prospect of lending myself to your vision.
Authors of Melody
Guerrilla Boutique is a sound, music and production studio directed by Nacho Diaz and Mariano Balestena, two audio professionals and musicians from Argentina with over ten years of experience.
Recent Successes
"Cam is an awesome mixer. Not only talent wise, but also musical trust wise. I trust that he will identify musician tracks, spot on for the song...and if not, he will let me know. Cam is great , easy to work with, and ..."
"A great job done on the mastering by Gijs! I needed it quick and he delivered as soon as possible, even on time! Gijs, as a part of KRYGA, definitely has the experience to help you out with all your music problems. "
"Always professional and more than happy to make revisions to get the exact sound I want. Will absolutely be working with Fred in the future!"
"Great to work with. Very professional. Thank you again! "
"Shes an amazing singer and producer, working with her was really easy and she captured what I wanted in the track and she puts a lot of her effort in delivering perfect and beautiful vocals would highly recommend work..."
"Very good guitarist with the ability to put himself into a song and make full use of his musical abilities on the guitar. We enjoyed it very much... the next time will come for sure..."