Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Catharina
Ghost writer service and remix work!
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I specialize in electronic music production with a heavy emphasis on the bass and melody. If you want your tracks to have a unique flavor then come to me.
Hi - I'm Grischa, a professional mixing and mastering engineer from the Black Forest in South Germany.
I provide raw (or produced) 12-track acoustic drums with optional midi triggering; electronic drums (2 channel L&R and midi). I also provide lead and backing vocals - Recorded in an acoustically treated room - Spent 6 years performing 6 nights a week at 5 star hotels throughout Asia and the Middle East - Now playing professionally in Nashville,TN
I'm excited and ready to collaborate with you! I have nearly 20 years of experience as a studio, live and touring musician. I've played music on 5 continents, on national TV in multiple countries, and recorded in top studios in Nashville, LA and NYC. I will collaborate and communicate with you quickly and effectively to make your project awesome.
Mixing is my specialty for over 25 years. Styles include rock, country, contemporary Christian, americana, bluegrass, blues, folk, and audio for video. I'm also a lifelong musician playing a variety of instruments so I have a strong understanding and feel for the pocket of the song, bringing out the proper emotion through my mix approach.
Polish Champion DJs Vinyl 2015 Judge Championships Polish DJs. House music producer
Experienced session drummer and recording engineer in east coast commercial recording studio available to play and record drums on your next song.
Trap and contemporary music production
Recent Successes
"Working with Brian was a fantastic experience. He is kind, patient, thoughtful and accommodating, while it goes without saying that he is one of the very best mixing engineers around. His mix of my track took it to a ..."
"A superb musical engineer. I trust Corry with my best work knowing I'll get the right result. Five stars."
"Michael is so great to work with. Crushed it on our song together. His piano parts are some of my favorite moments in the songs he was apart of with SURFACES. He is so versatile and comes up with ideas you won't get..."
"Really pleased with the Harmonica Will recorded for us. It was for an important scene in a documentary we are producing. Will not only performed the piece to a top standard musically, but he understood the emotional c..."
"This was my first time working with Tyree and he was great! I will definitely work with him again. He helped me get my hip hop song tuned to commercial standards and ready for the radio. Thanks for the awesome work T..."
"We started a new project with Camilo! Very excited because it exceeded all our expectations of the final sound! wow! thanks man!"
"Five Stars for quality, feedback and speed,"
"Audiostein was very professional and worked at the exact time frame he said he would. He made the vocals sound incredible and I will definitely work with him again in the future. "