Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Campus Rush Music
I'm an experienced, full time audio engineer for a Grammy-winning label. As a producer, I am passionate about drawing out your unique sound and creating music that you are truly proud of. I’m also an independent artist, so I can relate to your journey as an artist and speak your language while I produce your song.
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I'm an award-winning songwriter, currently producing/fronting a professional Alternative Folk/Americana band. In addition to being trained to sing in multiple styles, I also studied arrangement and composition (both lyrics and music). And with my recording studio experience, I have 30 years of writing/singing/producing to bring to any project.
I come at music from all angles. I currently focus on production and mixing, but I've been an artist, musician and lyricist for over a decade. I trust my ear, talent and skillset completely, and that allows me the freedom to look at every new project as a fresh, unique, original experience. Let's do something extraordinary.
Versatile professional vocalist/singer. Specializing in pop/classical-crossover/classical/musical theatre. Reasonable prices and prompt turnaround.
I've recorded for dozens of artists in new York and around the world. Played all sorts of music live and recorded for 15+ years.
Reading based Electronic Dance Music / Urban / Pop producer
Soy cantante compositor. Además tengo mi Home Studio. Poseo guitarras eléctricas, bajo, teclado y batería.
I'm an Electronic music producer for more than 20 years of experience . I know social medias and algorithm of getting great views. However , I don't have much listeners on spotify, i focused on youtube and got amazing feedbacks from my latest releases. You can easily access to my youtube channel. It is Poriante on Ig and Yt.
Pianist and composer
Recent Successes
"super cool vibe Does it all!"
"It is very evident that Rob cares. He's helped review some of my mixes and opened my mind up to a world I'm very unfamiliar with. He's given me extremely detailed and helpful feedback and is a great and timely communi..."
"Mike was really great to work with! He fit us into his schedule quickly, had great communication, and we were super happy with the sound of the mix he did for us!! I highly recommend working with him!"
"Great singer, gives you exactly what you want on lead and bgs. Definitely will keep using."
"Best singer!!! Created great singing tracks with precision, feeling, and professionalism. Extremely happy with the work and will work with him on future projects."
"Spencer has always nailed vocal parts and arrangements...I knew he was great on acoustic guitar, but he came through with a great rock solo on this last track. Highly recommend Spencer for his musicality and positive ..."
"Sam has an incredible ear for mixing and processing. But beyond that - he is a complete professional: friendly, open to collaboration, prompt, responsible. And above all - I have to thank Sam for his patience and flex..."
"Chris mixed the biwa, a Japanese instrument. I was amazed when I heard the finished sound. It sounded as vibrant and wonderful as when I heard it live.Thanks again for the great mix!!"
"SE mixed one of my new tracks, the result blew me away completely. Her mix brought out elements in the song that I didn't realize were there, creating epic sweet spots that makes you want to listen to the song on repe..."