Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bumpy Johnson
I go by Body B aka iEngineer214. I started as an artist but but that to the side after going to school and getting a degree in recording arts. Now I focus on engineering and producing. I've professionally mixed, mastered and tracked some of the well known artist as well as the unknown.
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Mainstream Producer/Head Liner/Award creditor/ Request for any genres
From an artists perspective, the mix can not only make or break a song but it can also make or break the entire experience. It's my job to be a relatable mixer who understands what's going on from the artist perspective. It's a big decision to HAND OFF your music. Let me take you through MY process and get you the product you desire.
From guitar and synth playing through vocals to a full-fledged production or mixing, I always put my own flavour to whatever I'm working on. Music is a matter of heart.
I do affordable work to help other indie artists reach their dreams. I am kind, ego-in-check, and ready to work for you. Let me know how I can help make some noise for you.
Professionally trained engineer currently working with Grammy-Winning producer, Courtney Orlando. Performed in St. Louis's premier club, Delmar Hall. Deeply routed into the local scene of St. Louis.
Experience more that 10 years Ableton live All kinds of work with sound
I will mix and master your trap, rap songs to a professional level
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure working with this professional. With very little direction she was able to come up with some unbelievable vocals. This is my first time working with her and she is amazing."
"Great to work with you. "
"Chris is a great professional and very easy to work with. He can tackle tasks of any complexity and the results always will exceed your expectations, guaranteed. Michael Vitkin"
"This was my first time working with Jake on two very different songs. Jake first played electric guitars on a jazz funk ballad and I was impressed with what he did so I gave him another song where he played acoustic g..."
"Matt is an amazing producer/engineer. And as always, he delivered. Quick with replies, figures out what needs to be done on the track. And he's a really great guy."
"It's was a pleasure to work with Job who made the song very good looking forward to working with Job again "
"Austin is a quality professional who wants to make sure your vision is seen. He helped me through every step of the process and gave me a finished product that is phenomenal. I can't recommend him enough. "
"Grant is an absolute pro. He was a pleasure to work with, super fast, and went above and beyond by providing us various options and styles of playing. His work is top notch and we couldn't be happier with the final pr..."
"Working with Austin once again was a delight! He delivered a killer master and even gave me an alternative version as I was curious about something to do with my song. He was quite timely and provided great service. L..."
"Pleasant down to earth- Great Vocals!!!! Will definitely be working with Step again!!!"