Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bubblegum Land
David Wilks, Record Producer, Songwriter, Remixer
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ALOHA, I'm Chance Gardner.
Music producer interested in fusion of musics and "new" different tastes. Likes Jazz, Funk, R&B & oriental fusions.
Promarck is a Musician, Producer, Songwriter and Multi-Instrumentalist
I am a German Music Producer & Engineer having multiple artist projects and producing in the genres of Pop, HipHop, House, Lo-Fi Hip Hop and Dance.
Analog and Digital world class mastering, stem mastering and mixing.
Consider me an urban kaleidoscope. I bring a universally accepted sound to the industry. My sound is for the people, for the introspective, for the lovers; for the music lovers.
Allround experienced drummer for your tracks! Endorser for multiple renown drum brands. Touring drummer, studio drummer.
Recent Successes
"100% the real-deal. Incredible singer and her engineer is a pro. The tracks sound amazing. Quick turnaround. Willing to work with input, but her judgement was spot-on. Very happy and would highly recommend. Thanks aga..."
"I tossed Jane a folk piece I had recorded for my EP. I felt the piece just needed a bit more instrumentation and wanted to see if violin was a good fit. Jane added some beautiful and intuitively-arranged melodies in a..."
"Thank you so much for another fantastic job delivered so quickly :) "
"Very professional. Amazing vocals!!! Highly recommend working with Charlin, especially regarding Gospel and Christian music!"
"Once again, Chris delivered an amazing production. He is fun to work with. He is a great communicator and listener. To each their own, Chris is my producer. Can't wait to do more songs with Chris."
"Such a pleasure working with Dan. He has an amazing musicality and understanding of my style and creativity. Will work with him again soon! "
"Amazing arrangement work by Michael on a song we previously worked out. The track has reached its full potential and beyond thanks to him =))"
"Kevin is a terrific producer! In my opinion the best. Brilliant ideas and rules every genre while also not being too shy to always throw in a new twist. Takes it to the next level. Extremely nice guy and I look forwar..."