Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Breakfast for Dinner
Producer / Mixing Engineer from Buffalo NY.
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Songwriter/Singer, Arranger, Custom Music composer. I love to provide a polished, professional and great-sounding result that I, and anyone would be proud to share with the world. Songs are timelines of our lives and I would love to be part of creating that memory for you in a unique and everlasting song or piece of music.A perennial legacy .
Classical trained Tonmeister offers multitrack Location Recordings; Editing, Mixing + Mastering.
I have what’s needed to take your productions to the highest level. Focusing on what it's necessary to make your music sounds as professional as it can be. Every song is unique and it needs to be treated as such!
Songwriter/Producer/Engineer. Andrew has made his mark creating records for up and coming artists in Los Angeles. Assistant engineer to multi-Grammy award winning producer and engineer Theron "Neff-U" Feemster and Kyle Mann at Speakeasy Sound Recording Studios, assisting for artists Leslie Odom Jr, Victoria Monet, FKJ and Saint Bodhi.
IKA is producer, Songwriter, Dealer Label Guia Records Music Brazil
Musicians Institute Associate of Arts Music Performance Bass/Independent Artist - 2014 Specializing in Electric, Key, and Upright Bass. Additional skills include, programmed/live drum tracks, lyric writing and editing, vocal performance and producing.
Professional Musician for 10+ years, specializing in playing the cello in pop productions. Passionate about writing scores, arrangements and sound design with my cello.What really sets me apart: I can use my instrument to create unique Soundscapes.
Recent Successes
"Love working with Killian! Another project came out sounding amazing. Super good at communicating vision. "
"Work exceeded my expectations. Looking forward to working with Ruby again. "
"Matt really made my track sound great - highly recommended! Will definitely work with him again."
"Bob was such a great guy to work with. I recorded my song almost a year and half before I decided to re-visit it, and he jumped right on it like we recorded yesterday. I am a little bit of perfectionist, and Bob was m..."
"Nice guy, easy to work with, good results, very cost effective, thank you. I recommend!"
"Darren give nothing but the best to every engagement, I completely trust him to change things up. and he adapts to all concepts. It's so good when you can give things away to Darren knowing he has it all under control."
"He was great, very communicative, when I had a problem he fixed it. I had a very specific image in my mind, and after a couple revisions he was willing to do another and make my vision realized. Would 100% recommend."
"The production shows amazing attention to detail and great mixing sense. The sound engineer delivered high quality work with skill and professionalism. Each element is crafted intentionally for the best possible sound..."
"Great to work with Benny, his communication was solid and the mixing and mastering on our upcoming release sounds exactly what we wanted for the final product. Would highly recommend Benny for any work that he offers!"