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Trap Boom Operator who worked with #trap
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Castaway Music Studios is a Turn Key Show Creation and Music Production Facility Located in Tampa Bay, Florida. Our state-of-the-art studios and a professional and knowledgeable staff are pleased to provide top-of-the-line multi-track analog and digital audio recording, mixing, mastering, 5.1 surround sound mixing, editing & voice overs
Hey! I'm a professional producer, mixer, songwriter and vocalist out of Nashville, TN with 10+ years experience. Click the 'Contact' button above and let's chat!
New wave beatmaker. From Trap, Rap, to R&B. Multi-faceted producer who loves to experience. 500K producer
Producer, composer, Keyboards
Mark Kaye aka M Fearless, San Francisco Bay Areafavorite_borderfavoriteEDM Pop Tracks. Funky Dance Groove. If you are an artist that needs modern dance tracks to write to, and record, I can help you. Spotify Mark Kaye, and M fearless.
I will take the smallest idea and turn it into a world-class production!
With hundreds of 5 STAR RATINGS across multiple sites and 25 years of full time experience with many genera's audio is a passion for me. I specialize in working remotely. You can be a part of the session live in real time with full quality audio, or send it off and trust you are in good hands. We can jump online at any time to tweak a mix together.
I am new on this platform so am providing discounted rates for vocals!! There is nothing I can say that my vocal demos aren't saying so have a listen and let's make some awesome music together!
Professional Mastering and Mixing for Techno and DeepHouse. Make your tracks sound competitive, groovy and loud on the Dancefloor as well as AirPods, Headphones and Sound Systems. Also offering technical and/or creative help with productions.
Recent Successes
"Buzzing from the quality of Juliana work, will definitely be work I g with him in the future "
"It's such an honor to be able to work with Chad. This is what makes this platform so great. Chad is the best in the business and I can't imagine being able to do this without him. It's an honor going through this jour..."
"Fast, helpful and authentic. Great vibes and song."
"If you are looking for a mixing engineer, definately try these guys! Didn't really know what to expect but I am so happy with the results! Feeling very confident know to upload my new track to all platforms! Not only ..."
"He’s a pleasure to work with!"
"As always Martin provides professional service extremely quickly, even when there are some small issues on my side. Happy to work with him again"
"The best."
"Ankha just mastered an eleven song album that sounds Awesome, it's always fun and exciting working with Ankha here passion, quality of work and detail is Superb! Highly recommended, very much looking forward to the n..."