Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DasV Entertainment
Dominic Vos: Preformer, Bassist, Singer, Songwriter, Producer, Talentscout, Mentorchild from Kristel Verbeke (former member of girl group K3) and Hanne Verbruggen (member of girl group K3) #DominicASVos
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Hi There! I'm a musician, producer and mix engineer, ready to help your music get better. Open minded, creative, and detailed oriented, I'll put all my energy and knowledge into your songs. Feel free to contact me with any questions, no strings attached!
Hi! Check the covers of I got you man (girlie voice) and Spooky (way different).
I'll provide you high quality eletric and acoustic guitar tracks for pop, rock, hard rock, reggae or eletronic music.
I am a Dj/Record Producer currently working on my own music ,I will be looking for collaborators soon and very eager to work with singers
My biggest passion is creating mixes that maintain dynamics, clarity, and musicality.
I can take raw tracks you've recorded at your home studio and turn them into incredible, polished-sounding tracks. Mixing and mastering are the final steps in the process of making your music sound amazing. It can be the difference between getting signed or being stuck as a small artist. Have your work stand out from the crowd!
Enjoy working with artist from of various musical backgrounds and genres.
As it universal language
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure to work with Austin. He was able to take my track in a new direction whilst retaining the song structure of the original recording."
"Very quick turnaround time, clear and precise communication! Would like to collaborate with Austin as a ghost producer in the future. "
"Rich is a wonderful producer who really knows his stuff and the industry. He always knows exactly what I mean, and is willing to keep working until the client is 100% happy. Really looking forward to continuing workin..."
"Awesome job well done! Highly recommend her work. "
"Bram brang my track to the top ! He gave so much energy to the track. He did exactly what i had in my head ! This is a professional and really cool guy, love his vibe. Once again he made it and i will come back fo..."
"Studio consistently delivers, loud crystal clear masters that’ll compete with anything out. If you take care of your job as the artist, he’ll do the rest "
"Second time working with cheshy - worked with a lot of singers on sound better, cheshy honestly might be the best! Incredible voice."