Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Blakk szn
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Electric Guitar Player - Rock, Blues, Pop, EDM, R&B... Super melodic leads, tight rhythm, great tones!
produced and mixed for J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar.
If you serve the song, you can't go wrong !! :)
recording electric guitar and bass remotely from my home studio in London
I write and sing hooks/lyrics for rap, hip hop and pop. I play piano and produce. Topline melodies and full lyrics.
Creatively curious NYC based producer ready to write and produce for new clients. I'm flexible and open to working in-person or remotely as a producer, songwriter, session musician, or mixing engineer. Hit me up to chat more about your latest project and see if the vibe is right to work together!
Best Studios in Mumbai - 9 Wings Studios
I'm Pablo, a music producer with 15+ years of experience and 40+ successful projects. I'm based in London and enrolled in the Goldsmiths University of London MMus Popular Music program. With a collaborative approach, I offer a full suite of music production services, from pre-production to mastering. Let's create something amazing together!
Recent Successes
"WOW! Rachel's voice is amazing. I was looking for a Disney Princess voice and Rachel's voice turned out perfect! Super talented and very professional!"
"Harvey's voice is amazing. She has a special talent and sounds really good for indie or deep tracks. I will work with her again for sure!!"
"I thought I already worked with only the best...but then I met Rachel! Her voice is simply incredible. She literally turns your song into something amazing. I am sooooooo excited she's part of my team and cannot WAIT ..."
"Amazing to work with! Made an great remix after my wishes, could´nt ask for more. Would definitely work with Andy again, professional! "
"Nate is an extremely talented producer. He is understanding and easy to work with. We just finished our first project and it wouldnt have been great if it wasn't for Nate's creativity. Will be working on our second pr..."
"Merty Put in that work gave me exactly what I was looking for and he even was up for the challenge of getting the project done in two days notice and he is extraordinary! Will Deff work with him in the future! "
"The stuff this man writes is unbelievable. He’s incredibly talent and he’s the guy to trust if you’re trying to making unreal songs!"
"I am very happy to work with Dave Nelson, he has participated in many albums I like, and I am very satisfied with the results!"