Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with JR Curtys
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With my unique Style; Classic, Middle East & to Ethnic style with over 20 years of experience, I have gotten used to working with a wide variety of genres. I am passionate about collaborating with new inspiring projects and working closely with the artist to discover their personal voices and communicate their visions.
A Mixing engineer who is passionate about my work and who wants to elevate the artists sound. I want to get the best from you out of you.
I produce and mix for programmability and placement potential
Taking the rough ideas to the final destination in sync with the artist's vision excites me the most.
Italian Producer.I worked with Vacca Manu Chao Nesli Tiromancino Million Stylez De Marco Dennis Bovell Alborosie Mellow Mood Kg Man Earth Beat Movement
With music featured on VH1 and BET, and collaborations with artists like Amerie, No Malice, and Skillz, I bring a proven track record of creating impactful, high-quality music. Let’s craft something extraordinary together.
Recent Successes
"Working with Austin was seamless. A true professional and was on top the whole project. Turnaround time was great as well along with open communication through the life of the project. The end result was great and qua..."
"Amazing mix and super quick turnaround. Tyler is also great with notes and very flexible. Highly recommended!"
"Larry always does incredible work and delivers results FAST. Can't wait to work with him again."
"Great to work with. She listens to what you need and performance it for you. Will work with her again."
"Excellent job. Marc has an easy communication, straight-forward. He is so in line with our rock style that we needed only one mixing revision!!! The quality of the mixing and mastering overachieved our expectations. F..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Andrew, he made the song flourish, he'll take your project to a whole new level, I definitely recommend him, I'll contact him for a new song pretty soon, thank you Andrew! cheers"
"Helped me finish up my first full song with him. Very talented and great to work with!"
"Amazing work and nice guy!"
"Brittany has done a great job adding her own excellent vocal style to the song. As usual, she has been prompt and professional."
"Bass track. Alex did all the revisions no problem."
"Provided Ben a reference track for the tune I wrote and he produced a great drum track for the song. Thanks Ben cheers, Stuart"