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Beira Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Specialised in Rock, Metal and Acoustic, but I have experience mixing and mastering many different styles. Can also do additional composition and programming, as well as audio restoration, cleaning up and editing for podcasts, etc. https://soundcloud.com/jim-cook-music-production
More than 15 years of experience, a reliable team and expert advice are the base of Fonojet Audio. Top of the art gear, analog and digital. Fonojet - Facilities are located in the heart of Berlin Kreuzberg, 5-min from Friedrichstrasse by walking.
As a keyboardist/pianist, Shereen has toured extensively with RocNation's artist, Victory Boyd, alongside Grammy artist Gregory Porter, platinum selling and Grammy artist Lauren Daigle, and Kamasi Washington. She has also performed at Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival, ESSENCE Music Festival, ABC’s Good Morning America and Sirius XM Heart & Soul.
Mastering with analog gear. Worked with Eddie Kramer (Beatles & Rolling Stones engineer). I’m a musician as well and on my own project, The Rockyts, I was also the producer so I got to work with Eddie on it. I’m thrilled that the songs I’ve worked on have been played on countless commercial radio stations as well as on Sirius XM.
Sivaramakrishnan's music has been featured on motion pictures, TV shows and advertising campaigns worldwide
If you want a quality and fast delivery, send me a message.
Multi instrumental and producer
Recent Successes
"Simon is a very good bass player, great timing, great groove and the sound is awesome. He recorded for me a bass track putting in much of his taste and the result was excellent. "
"Always a pleasure working with Blue. He is very polite, punctual and patient. He is a true professional! "
"Bram did an outstanding job as always. He really captures the emotion and vibe of the song and I love the results. "
"i was quite delighted at the way this mans voice sat in the mix of the song! a warm, well-trained voice."
"Jova has a beautiful voice with a lot of emotion. So different than usual, and that's what I was looking for—a lovely person to work with and clear in communication. Thanks, Jova! You have a unique sound. "
"Jessy has a great and versatile voice, and is direct and clear in her communciation. We had a few sketches until we found the direction for my song and then recorded two final takes for me to comp from. She read and a..."
"Another amazing POP Production with Simon. As always very reliable and full of creativity! Top notch!!!"