Banjo in Sarasota
I've recorded sessions for Grammy winners and nominees for over 30 years- Ashley Jordan, Linda Marks, AJ Resta, Ducky Carilse to name a few. I've done 8 albums for John Cate, playing fiddle/violin, pedal steel, banjo, mando, dobro, and guitar.. Wineer of multiple mcma, mcnh, necmo awards
I specialize in helping artists, producers, and songwriters write, arrange, and record guitar parts. Listen to my best works with The Dialogue, GS Duo, and Angela Galestro. I have a doctorate in guitar performance and have gained years of experience learning from and working with talented musicians from around the world.
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Production and Mixing studio in the heart of Warsaw-Poland
My name is Aurelien, I’m a French native multi-instrumentalist living in Melbourne. My top specialty is guitar, which I’ve been playing for more than 25 years. I also play the piano, drums, percussions and bass. I work and design soundtracks at the intersection of the acoustic and digital worlds. I love co-creating with other artists.
Hi! I love experimenting with jazz, ambient/alternative pop and soft ballads but I'm game to everything else! I am a singer and songwriter/topliner and have been actively composing and performing with numerous collaborators since 2017. While working on your project, I will closely coordinate with you to align with your vision right from the start.
I write songs, good songs. My writings purpose it to basically make people feel things, to create a vibe that is sacred and untouchable. I like to think i’m easy to work with, and I bring something unique.
Introducing tyeproductionz – a producer with a rare talent to turn vocal expressions and energy into a unique vision that sets artists apart. With an undeniable ear for music, tyeproductionz has catapulted the careers of countless artists and producers by crafting unforgettable records that stand the test of time. Collaborating with tyeproductio
Musician, Producer, and Recording/Mixing Engineer. I am a graduate with a degree in Audio and Music Production, with proven experience in creating, recording, and mixing over 25 songs in 2024 alone. As a musician, I excel in a wide range of instruments, including keyboards, synthesizers, drums, guitars, and vocals.
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We focus on making music we like with people we like.
Recent Successes
"Rob is experienced and professional. Brought my track to life, I will be working with him again!"
"Chris' profile lists him as a "genius" and it is true to the core. It has been a pleasure working with a talent that loves his craft and far surpasses the needs of the client. I have made a connection that I am comfor..."
"Fast, friendly and I very like the sound we did ! Really happy with the end result !"
"Get a clean and huge master in such a short time is amazing thanks Bram for your work K.C"
"All I can say is WOW! It is one thing to have a great singing voice but to nail the emotion and get the concept of what I was looking for from him, is another thing, and Ethan nailed it! Literally gave me chills as ..."
"Great knowledge of production, sound engineer and sound design 👍👍"
"Alex skillfully corrected my vocal tracks, which were initially out of time and out of key, and produced an impeccable production. His professionalism and remarkable talent are truly amazing. Dr. Roach"