Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with band of china
Hi, I'm Jonas, For 10 years I've been working as a composer, producer and music supervisor and countless albums, commercials, film and TV projects mainly in Europe and in Asia. I specialise in the crossover of styles and genres. The grey area between one style and another but with a focus on the modern and the cinematic.
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I'm a full time artist & business owner generating 1,000,000 streams a month across platforms with major brand placements such as Adidas, ESPN, Fashion Nova, MLB & many others. I've used my diverse skillset to service hundreds of artists in the realm of production, video, graphic design & marketing. In short, I help artists become viable.
Hi, I'm Diego, pianist and composer with 15+ years of living in music!
Producing, recording, mixing and mastering records for 13+ years, with credits across multiple genres. Past clients include Leon Bridges, White Denim, Black Pistol Fire, Israel Nash among countless others.
Tubb Sound Productions, based in Geneva (CH) Music Composition / Arrangement / Productions (Started the piano at age of 7 in 1980. Sound-Engineer (Diploma from 2001) Live and Studio Mixing, Arrangement, Overdub, Editing, etc...
Saxophone and Keyboard player, originally from Latvia and currently based in Brazil.
Style is one thing, technique is one thing, but real MUSIC? Where things FEEL like they have been touched by someone who really understands music as an art form? That's a whole thing altogether. Let's make your sound, sound amazing.
Thomas O'Shea, aka TY'O, has worked has produced hip hop, pop, edm, rock, folk, and spoken word projects. He has worked with artists across the country and holds a degree in audio production and music business.
Hi i'm Marius i'm 22 y.o (Kazzy) Music Producer/Audio Engineer from Romania with 3 years experience in music industry. With reasonale price for all musician i'm very sociabile person and i'm not afraid to try new things. I know that i can colaborate with anyone.
Recent Successes
"We've just recieved our track back from being mastered by PJ and we are absolutely loving it, he's done a awesome job and he's pushed it to the next level, we will definitely be in back in touch with future tracks! ..."
"I was quite happy with my experience with Sean. His communications were prompt and he's clearly a capable producer. He did guitars, drums, vocal editing, mixing, and mastering for me at what felt like a fair price. I ..."
"Finally I got this professional, warm and huge sound that I've been looking for many years. Matt did an amazing job and knew right away what I was looking for in terms of sound. I really thank his effort at working on..."
"Matt was great to work with, incorporated feedback well, and we ended up with a great mix. Highly recommended!"
"Pat had a lot of patience on this one and was super helpful in shaping the identity of a song that didn't have one. A+ as always"
"Worked with Alanna was absolutely a worderfull experience. Her professionalism is perfect, and vocal tracks are impressive. I can´t wait to work with her again! Best choice ever! Five Starts singer with no doubt! Than..."
"I have worked with Andros on a few projects already and every single time he surprises me turning each song into something beyond what I could have hoped for. This particular project was unique. It is a very sentiment..."