Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bali Babi
Affordable, high quality, hard-hitting, professional work.
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My name is Patrick Ryan. I am a freelance audio engineer working out of a home built studio. I have a degree in Audio Technology and Music Production gained from SAE NY. I am also a former professional musician.
Upbeat melodies, catchy hooks, and clever lyrics!
Bringing your music to life at an affordable price!
young producer with ~6 years experience looking to help others make their music the best it can be!
Life Pass Filter is music producing studio, a sound design laboratory and home of talented souls. We work for artists, advertising agencies and video games studios. We provide music and sound design as well as mixing and mastering services. We work for Nike, Levi's Skateboarding, Element, Carhartt and more...
Moved by passion and love for music, after years of study I want to try to get involved. Help me gain experience and we will grow together!
For anyone seeking sweet and soulful vocals that sound like velvet draped over a nostalgic landscape.
Versatile music producer with over 9 years of experience. Passionate about my craft. Guarantee quality, progress samples, and on-time delivery Listo para adaptarme Productor musical versátil con experiencia en diversos géneros, mas de 9 años de experiencia. Amante de mi trabajo. Garantizo calidad, muestras de trabajo y cumplimiento de plazos.
Recent Successes
"I am so proud to have selected Andrijana Janesveka !She is very professional and talented...She has done a great job 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿!I am definitely going to work with her again soon! I highly recommend her for your ventures! ..."
"Just finished my second project with Emrah- he is a master and magician! Every mix has turned out fully realized: precise and technically perfected- yet always serving to unlock the actual music. He is like a great ..."
"Danny is a blast to work with! His work ethic, and his inputs are invaluable! I look forward to more collaborations! "
"Professionalism: 11/10 Quality of work: 15/10 Service: 15/10 overall, Perry generally breaks any rubric in the best way possible. He's always very thoughtful in approach and breathes in new life to any production..."
"Brendan says he's a rock and alternative mixer. He truly is and is also the BEST on SoundBetter! If you play rock'n'roll music, hard rock or alternative he is the BEST that you can hire. I got him to mix a single for ..."
"Val is extremely talented and able to deliver on time efficiently as well as creatively. He is able to take direction as well as seize creative opportunity through his score. I hope to continue working with him on fut..."
"Dalton is the mf man always provides the highest quality and follows notes and direction to a T. Don’t think use his services."
"Always put my track to the next level! Best master engineer 🤩"
"Dan is very efficient and understanding when it comes to the artist craft. Very professional and great to work with. Definitely brings a song to life with the mixing and mastering. "