Dreams Into Songs

Full Unique Backing Tracks

Dreams Into Songs on SoundBetter

Turn your rough ideas into full songs in 48hr for $100! Take your rough ideas , demos, (even phone recordings!) and compose, arrange and track the instruments for your song in any genre! I offer : Drums Bass Keys Electric guitar Harmony Vocals Vocal editing Pitch correction In the shortest time possible. 100% authentic completely original songs.

I take your rough ideas for song and based on your inputs and desires, create a bespoke song ready for you to add vocals, remix, do with whatever you like.

I will provide a basic mix and stems for you to do with what you like at the lowest price in the shortest time possible.

I'd love to hear about your project. Click the 'Contact' button above to get in touch.


  • English

GenresSounds Like
  • George Strait
  • Creed
  • Ariana Grande
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