Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Baden
If you're a new artist, I'm here to help you get that elusive first 10k steams. I get it - hours scrolling through submithub, groover, random (scam-like) Instagram ads for playlist promotion. If you're still seeing no success I'd love to try and help with your next release :). With over 200,000 streams, maybe I can help you reach your potential <3.
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Hello my name is Badencourt. I am an audio engineer/ music producer graduated from SAE Institute in London, originally from the Netherlands but now living in Hong Kong
I am 25 years old. I have been in music all my life. I specialize in Music Production, Beatmaking, Singing, Songwriting and Mix and Mastering. I have produced one Album named "Revheal" on itunes and produced 2 mixtapes "Diamond 28" on Datpiff. Anything musical you need I can Provide. My Soundcloud content is just a sample of what I can do. #LEM
Jean Wine is a french DJ, passionate of electro music since his early age. He first performs in private parties and then performs live in different clubs, hotels, restaurants and branded company. He started his first steps into the electro music creation since 2000 and products of various titles such as "Forever and Ever, Hands Up...
Creative Guitar Player and Audio Engineer, at your service!
If you need a raspy and emotional voice for your RnB, Hip-Hop or electronic music, hit me up. With artists like Starkato and Sassa, I've already been in the beatport charts a few times
Hi, I am a professional guitarist, songwriter and producer from Lüneburg, Germany. I got a Bachelor of Jazz (HfK Bremen) and Master of Popular Music (Popakademie Baden-Württemberg). With 15 + years of music experience in all kinds of genres, I can help you achieving the sound you are looking for!
10 years of recording & mixing experience for your project needs
Composer and music producer with experience in cinema, tv and commercial motion pictures.
Recent Successes
"I am doing consistent work with Rioux. He blows my mind every single time. THANK YOU GOD FOR ALLOWIN ME TO FIND HIM. He gives the same intense and greatness to every single track I've given him, We are on track 60...."
"Angelsson is one ridiculously skilled and capable dude. I am definitely going to try to work with him again. John"
"TJ is an amazing producer and engineer... He is attentive to detail, adds his own layer of creativity and also very flexible to work with. Highly highly recommend!"
"Derek is a master guitarist, and he did a stellar job with my song. He also paid an extraordinary effort to get the guitars and track arranged beautifully - I truly appreciated the extra mile, and I'm looking forward ..."
"After hearing his vocal demos, I expected that Lev would do a nice job on my project. But he blew my mind! He's an amazing singer and brings a great deal of creativity to his interpretation of a song."
"Tony has a voice that you could only dream of. Super smooth and rich tones, absolutely love it. He is also super easy to work with and was very accommodating on change requests. Top guy and hope to work with hi..."
"Alex is easy to work with and delivered tracks musically attuned to a delicate original tune. I particularly appreciate that he provided multiple alternative options for selection and comping. I’m very pleased! "