Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pape
Producer, Songwriter and Mixing Engineer from Mannheim in Germany - Currently doing a Music Production Masters Degree at the renowned Popakademie. I would consider myself a hybrid between Producer and Songwriter because working with an artist in a face to face/online session is my favorite way to create and bring your Vision to life!
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Writing a text is an extremely painful process for many students.
I was born with common sense, then I learned the industry. I won't be asking you any newbie questions about paperwork, splits, or how a PRO works. Typically work in ProTools. I have access to industry standard engineer and studios. Ask me about my promotional channels :)
Essay Writer
Hi my name is Gianni Kahanoff, wanna get some lyrics down?
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Versatile and melodic bass, brass, and beyond. From the stage with Postmodern Jukebox, to the studio with A.C. Newman and Jonathan Scales, to jamming in West Africa and beyond, to recording and mixing anything from singer-songwriters to full big bands, I bring pro chops and impeccable taste to your tracks. All styles, always soulful.
Recent Successes
"Talented drummer and a room sound that required very little mixing."
"Rory was an absolute pleasure to work with. Super communicative throughout the whole process which I find not alot of artists are. His vocals and lyricism are top notch too and I can assure you, you easily get your mo..."
"Was very easy to work with, got exactly what I was looking for. Will be working with JacQuar again! "
"Excellent job as usual from Sefi. He efficiently goes back&forth on the mixdown until it's perfect; uses subtle FX v tastefully; plus, he had some great production suggestions + feedback. Make sure you ask him for ..."
"Kyle has a unique and versatile voice. The song was a modern country song, and he brought a cool modern/pop edge to it. Good times! "
"Second project with Lydia. She is a true professional, gifted musician and an exceptional singer. Great partner. Highly recommend. "
"François, or The Sorcier as I call him, understands music on a very different level. I trust François with my songs unlike I do anyone else because of the way he listens to my music. As a musician, we all know the m..."
"GËKKØ is such a gifted producer. He makes every effort to understand your vision and build upon it. Time and time again he amazes me with his creativity. I highly recommend working with him!"
"Working with Kip, an award-winning producer, was a remarkable experience. The highlight came when his daughter sang my song, with him accompanying her on the piano, delivering an emotionally powerful performance that ..."