Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Baby Bulldog
Song with Weezer, and former member of alt pop band Coast Modern w/ 500mil+ global streams
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I'm a classically trained pianist, singer, producer and songwriter. I have worked with big artists including; Chainsmokers, Liam Payne, Mike Williams, Post Malone & have also worked alot with smaller artists. I'd love to help you develop your sound and improve your songs productionswise, lyrically and sonically.
Producer / Mixer / Musician with 20 years experience. Can help turn your song into the best version it can be.
I worked as a live sound engineer, sound system engineer and mixing for theater, musical plays, concerts and music recordings.
Living the music, living for the music, living from the music.
Umur Anil Gokdag on DSPs
Just here to make music and powerful collaborations that turn into hits..
I am a versatile producer who worked with artists like wizkid,burnaboy,rema and omah lay and makes all genres like pop,afrobeats,drill,trap and RnB and am a sound engineer
Cranking Up The Volume On Quality Of Audio.
Recent Successes
"Working with Dan was amazing! He is very talented and follows directions very well. And he is always keeping me updated throughout the entire process. Thank you!"
"I have done majority of my project with them so far and each gig keeps getting better. I feel like we've been doing this for years"
"Mark is a great bassist. He gave a nice touch of flare in my indie pop song. Super easy to work with as he understands what I'm trying to do right away. Really fun to work with him again. Thanks Mark!"
"Ryan amazed me in more ways than just his awesome performance. The turnaround time was phenomenal, and not only does he get it done quickly, but he also gets it done efficiently. I recommend working with Ryan for your..."
"Unique voice, did exactly what I asked of him. His voice suited my track in a way I did not expect. Clean recordings also a plus "
"Neel delivers amazing masters with high consistency and always manages to perfectly capture the atmosphere we are going for. It’s always a great pleasure to send him a new song as we definitely know it’s in the right ..."
"To put things in perspective, we have officially given Nate the title "Nate the Great"! We have worked with many different producers/arrangers throughout the years, and Nate is by far the best. Not only is his work su..."
"A talented young lady. Highly recommended. "
"Jake is extremely skilled, professional, and was very patient with me as I delivered to mix the first single off my band's record. The project scope was pretty sizable, and Jake handled it all super smoothly. We nee..."
"good work!"