Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with b zeta
I mainly work on urban music. I'm young but I worked on thousands projects.
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Engineering Services for all artists at affordable rates
ENTT are a Live EDM Duo from the UK. The producers have been writing and collaborating with talented artists for 5 years, and in this they are always developing the quality of their sound and the passion for their projects. Currently working with Shena Winchester (Michael Gray - The Weekend, No Prisoners Records) on Album for 2017.
We got that exotic African touch in our music. We do not just play instruments, we create rhythm!
Singer, Dancer, Actor. A Hong-Kong raise and born male performer now living in Hamburg, Germany.
Professional elevator music creator
Been working with local New York bands for years, mixing, mastering & doing live sound. Looking for new bands/artists to work with and help make your recording sound great!
I am a singer/songwriter that has been featured in OUT and Instinct Magazine. I currently have over ten songs out on all streaming platforms and all songs have been written by me 100% Every word and melody is mine. If you need me to add lyrics to your beat or work out a concept you have, I am the guy for you! I love writing and hope I can help!
First song is free. Owner of El Álamo Estudio since 2017, drumming and writing songs since 2005. I'm one of the best rock/heavy metal mixers in the area and one of the best drummers as well. In every project my ultimate goal is to exceed the costumer's expectations, and I usually achieve it.
Recent Successes
"David is always great. He and his wife, Tiffany, have been the secret ingredient a few of my songs. They lift things to a higher level and I am always grateful for their input, their ears and those VOICES."
"Attention: DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS SINGER! Kamari makes any project shine like GOLD! I presented her with a priceless project that needed professionalism with attitude, which alot of singers cannot portray both qualit..."
"This is my second time working with Gus and I'd work with him again- he is that good. He was patient with me, as we polished the lyrics until I was happy with the result. "
"Matt is a really knowledgeable mixing engineer, fast communication and work rate."
"Mark was really great to work with. Really supported me through the mastering process (I am something of a novice!) and was happy to answer any questions. "
"Darren did a great job mixing and mastering a song of mine to make it sound clean, professional, and fantastic! Great communication, fast turnaround, and quality work - can't wait to work together again! Highly recomm..."
"Great Partner and looking to work with you in the future :)"
"Tim is fantastic. Excellent work, fast replies and great value. Highly recommend!"
"Sean and I worked together on a very emotional sad-vibe song and Sean TOTALLY nailed it. He has an amazing voice and the result is truly beautiful. Even more, Sean went out of his way to deliver extra harmonies and ad..."
"There are pros and then there is Dennis. You’ve probably heard him on the radio and did not know it. He is the person Pros go to in order to become Masters. Do not hesitate to reach out to him if you are interested in..."