Barun Sinha

Bassist, Music Producer.

Barun Sinha on SoundBetter

Professional bass guitar player, music producer, mixing engineer and game audio designer.

Hello, I am a bass player of 10+ years and have been doing session work since early 2016. For the past 6+ years I have been doing music production and recently I also started game audio design! I am flexible to ideas and my goal is get everyone's music sounding the best it possibly can. I have also completed certificates in Music Production and Game Audio Design from Berklee.

Send me a note through the contact button above.


  • English
  • Hindi
Terms Of Service

3-4 Revisions. Bass recordings, editing, sound design and mixing can be done in 3-4 days, Production can take from 1 week to 1 month.

Gear Highlights
  • Custom Electric Bass (4-string)
  • Spector Electric Bass (5-String)
  • Scarlett 2i
  • Volt 476
  • Soundtube Mixing Board
  • Genelec 5' Monitors
  • Kali 8' Monitors
  • Condenser and Dynamic Microphones
  • Protools
  • logic
  • Reaper
  • Plugin Alliance/Waves/UAD Plugins
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SoundBetter Deal

For complete albums and bundles of songs/sounds, I am willing to negotiate.