Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Austin Reed
Over 10 years of mixing experience. Have written, recorded, produced and mixed multiple tracks since 2019
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Terra Sounds Productions is a one-stop shop for all of your audio & video production needs. Our dedicated team of sound engineers, videographers, session musicians, producers, arrangers, beat-makers, and composers is here to ensure the highest quality of the final product, as well as a top-notch recording experience.
Head Engineer at Grouse Lodge Recording Studios, with a career as a touring musician, producer, mix engineer, and obsessive problem-solver!
Welcome to UNEEDBEATZ. A group of Producer. Piano Player. Beat Maker. Background Vocal Arranger. Next wave producers. - UNB
Producer - Multi instrumentalist
I am a classically trained versatile cellist with 35 years of performing experience skilled in solo, chamber and orchestral setting. As a leader of the Rastrelli Cello Quartet, I have performed in more than 50 countries, recorded 11 albums. My professional skills allow me recording cello tracks and improvising solos of any difficulty & music genre.
Music producer making tracks for TV, Ads, Games and Brands for 10 years. I split my time between this and my main project as a Drum & Bass Producer and DJ touring all over the world.
Every project I produce or mix has a different sound because each artist is different. I’m not a producer with a signature sound because it’s not about me.
I'm calling some startups in the area to find out if they are a good fit for our beta program.
Recent Successes
"Very easy to communicate with! Great turn around on the project! "
"Chris, Extremely patient. Communication 100%. Extremely fast turnaround. Breathed another level of life into Track. "
"A huge thanks to Emma for once again doing an amazing job with the vocal track! She is really skilled and easy to communicate with. A true professional. :) Thanks once again!!"
"Always great working with Andres and his team. Always professional and one of the best Mastering Engineers in the industry. Great work! Loving it! "
"Greg was amazing to work with. He understand exactly what we wanted and worked accordingly. He also brought his own ideas on the table and was able to blend it perfectly with our song. Looking forward to working with ..."
"Enea is the Piano Man that Billy Joel is referring to. But more importantly, what Enea delivers is the truest form of musical skill, professionalism, and communication. He's open-minded to the project as an art-form a..."
"Third time Nate helps me out with drum tracks for my songs. Once again great stuff delivered and he directly understands what I am looking for."
"I was very happy to work with Christopher Andrew, since the first call with him, I was confident that the result of sound design for our feature film would be polished till the smallest details. During our collaborati..."