Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Attxla
Hey there. I am a recording artist that offers top lining, songwriting, production and mixing services. Let’s work!
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Refer to : www.analogcandle.com
Assisting artists in Production, Mixing, and musicianship for 30 years.
Hey there. I am a recording artist that offers top lining, songwriting, production and mixing services. Let’s work!
YOUR vision is MY vision. Here to help you to achieve your sonic goals.
Music producer for more than 7 years and classical pianist for the last 20 years. Let's bring your music into another level. My moroccan roots and classical background makes my tracks full of rhythms, melodies, grooves and emotions. I create electronic organic classic ethnic music, brought into pop, house or techno.
My strength is lyrics. Rhyming and original metaphors are easy for me. Country, Gospel and Rap are my favourite genres and the ones I write best in. I marry the best of English literature and Lil Wayne...anyone ever pointed out that there's 16 lines in a sonnet and 16 bars in a rap verse?
The songs I produced reached more than 200.000 streams on Spotify!
Top quality mix and mastering engineer with over a decade of experience; CLA mixing style. You'll NEVER be disappointed! Judge by yourself: listen to the music uploaded and linked in this profile
Recent Successes
"Scott is now my Go-To Contact for Guitar and Bass parts now. And he was kind enough to recommend a drummer friend named Jack Amblin of his, who has also been a great asset to my endeavours,"
"Trey is absolutely amazing! Professional, creative, understanding and helpful all along! He took my project and just made into something beyond expectations! Only someone with his experience and talent would be able t..."
"Shaley is a very talented song writers easy to work with! "
"Enlia is a top level professional, as songwriter she has the ability of immerse herself in every story with amazing results and: top quality vocals. Communication was great. Everything she touches becomes gold."
"Très bonne compréhension de mes attentes lors d'une demande d'analyse de mix. Le document délivré est complet et précis sur les propositions de correction à appliquer sur chacun des éléments quand nécessaire. Je re..."
"Alan is professional, timely, and most importantly has an awesome ear for mastering. Worked with me to get exactly the sound I was going for. Highly recommend, will be my go-to for masters in the future."
"Joe is super amazing to work with. You can send notes and he has them ready first thing in the morning. He's patient, great at communicating, and mixes/masters themselves are spot on. I've done a total of around 17 so..."
"Love working with Myah - amazing vocals and super easy to work with!"