Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mercuria
Hey there. I am a recording artist that offers top lining, songwriting, production and mixing services. Let’s work!
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I am a professional Audio Engineer with over 5 years of experience. I specialize in Mixing,Mastering and can provide quality mixes for your song or instrumental. My goal is to always bring your vision to life through the mix. I'm available for any of your engineering Needs. Contact me about your project and see how I can help you.
Music Producer, session musician and recording engineer for hire....
My name is Piotr Galiński. I'm a guitar player, bassist, vocalist and songwriter from Cracow, Poland. I'm the owner of GalTone Studio - specializing in rock, metal, pop and funk music.
Guitars, soundscapes and principal writer/arranger for Australian band Like Thieves. Music producer for "can't mention the game" running on the Roblox platform.
Looking for unique non-copy cat sounds and music production? I´m your guy! Paid jobs only, no collabs at the moment
Hello, my name is Fabrício, I've been working for more than 2 years in the design area, mainly editing lyric videos for songs. • basic lyric video • intermediary lyric video • advanced lyric video
I'm a female electronic music producer since 1994. Cinematic sci-fi music, with an experimental touch, ready for your project.
Fast mastering services with tailored mixing based on track needs, and genre-specific production.
Recent Successes
"A great singer, with a great modern voice and a great lyricist! do not hesitate it's him to choose!"
"Corey has mixed for me very many times, and this time and always its always an awesome mix!. Listening to his mixes is like listening to music magic in my ears. In my opinion he is definately one of the best mixers th..."
"Fantastic experience. Uros is a highly talented Mix engineer with a patient and considerate manner. I am extremely pleased with his work and fully intend for him to Mix further songs. "
"Diego has been playing on all the tracks for my bands new album and I must say he's completely changed the sound of the project. He added a complete orchestra of sounds to the songs. Everything from Hammond organ ..."
"Creativity, spontaneity, impulse, and fun. That's how I'd describe the creative production of this duo. If you've been beaten down by the same-samey-ness of pop-production, I'd recommend giving No New Lovers a whirl t..."
"Malik played the acoustic guitar on my new song project. He created a variety of high quality tracks which enables me to do a great mix. Again an excellent quality of work and service by Malik."
"Always a pleasure working with my bro Vic!"
"Fantastic tone, professional execution and incredible communication to boot. HIGHLY recommend"