Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Astrafellas
A Cappella or Accompanied Covers? We can do it for you. We're a team of Vocal Arrangers, Vocal Editors, Mixing, and Mastering Engineers.
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New to the website but not to the game, get your shit sounding fuego on the low $$. Have worked on major releases with labels. Right now I have my prices low in order to build my profile on here.
My Name is Jan and I’m a passionate music producer based in Dresden, Germany. My first record distributed on a major label was back in 2006. After that I started studio production for other artists and today I also work for film and industry.
Hi, my name is Andrew Kravchenko and I am a mixing/recording engineer living in Moscow, Russia. I'm spending my life side by side with music every day. It’s my passion and has been for my whole life.
I'm an artist signed with Filthy Groovin Music Group. I have released songs of my own, as well as mixing and mastering other songs.
I was awarded multiple times for writing the best poetry and rewards for providing the best online essay help UK to my junior fellows.
Yiorgos Kourkounakis aka CAEVO is driven by a love of music; how it can impact someone's life, mood, and state of mind. I am a born perfectionist, striving to stay on top of my craft and always working to build my sound. With over ten years of experience in the music industry as a professional engineer and producer.
hi,,,my name is collins and i am a music producer ,,,,i produce hip hop and trap music that i also mix and master. i am also a rapper and songwritter and can write to hiphop and rnb to be specific.
Recent Successes
"Brian was really helpful. He had some great ideas and helped me to understand ways that could help my songs to become more marketable to commercial audiences. Highly recommended. "
"Another project and another amazing outcome with Jenny! She is a super talent and very professional!"
"Another fantastic piece of work Adrian did for me! This was a reggae EDM song I asked him to do, wasn't sure how it would turn out but he amazed me again with the final product!"
"Needed some additional guitar work on a song and new just who to come to! Ziv is professional and provides exactly what I'm looking for every time with quick turnaround. He nailed this one on the first shot!"
"I work with Martin whenever I need anything to do with strings / epic orchestral sounds or accordions. he is amazing at what he does and so professional and easy to work with. look no further! "
"It was nice working with Michael he understood what I was going for and delivered."
"keep coming back to SoundNinja for good reason, he is incredibly talented and an awesome person to work with. looking forward to continue working with him on my tracks"
"it's always a pleasure to work with Sakari, she is super professional and the results are always stunning. I can only recommend Sakari, she is very easy to work with and smooth in communication. I would love to work w..."
"I am very happy I chose to work with Elliot. First of all he is very nice, encouraging and gives good vibes. I am very satisfied with the mastering of my song he delivered. His goal was not just about money but to mak..."
"Andres, was very timely and communicative throughout the mastering process. Provided us with a quick turnaround and professional service."