Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with apifera
Take your music to another dimension with kaleidoscopic psychedelic guitars, bass, synths and other organic frequencies. Feel free to check out my bands: Apifera Geshem Big Vicious
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Composer, producer, audio engineer and live sound technician.
Yoe Mase, an artist, producer, songwriter, and musician with millions of streams under his belt. He maintains an artist-first focus, and has a knack for producing, writing and crafting songs around an artist's end-goal or vision.
Pianist, Performer, Author-Composer, specialist of African Fang-Beti sounds which he has made a science, In 2010, he created the NTY Label Group. Much more than a passion, music is part of him. He loves to listen to all kinds of world music and especially to put himself at the service of others to help them propel themselves.
"His voice is one of the most powerful voices of all time (On a Queen / Freddie Mercury level) and he has the production expertise to back him up.” – Music Crowns
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Welcome to my Recording Studio. SLTRS is working with the like of Matt Bissonette (Elton John), Gregg Bissonette (Ringo Starr), and more... Friendly staff, easy to work with, patient, and dedicated to your project. SLT Recording Studio is a one stop studio where your project comes to life with the highest standards.
My only goal is to make the best music I’m capable of making, let’s get to work and see what we can put together.
Take your music to another dimension with kaleidoscopic psychedelic guitars, bass, synths and other organic frequencies. Feel free to check out my bands: Apifera Geshem Big Vicious
Recent Successes
"Dan did a fantastic job at recreating the drum reference we sent him. Also, he gave a secondary take and brought his own creativity to the table, which was really cool. Easy to work with. Fast. Tight drummer. Cool guy."
"Awesome, Aspene always comes through with some dope keyboard tracks, he makes the song much better!"
"Great working with Myah, She takes the song to the next level!! "
"It's always a joy working with Ethan. He's super professional and always delivers high quality results."
"Amazing singer!"
"Bradford is the guy for your music needs. He makes sure that I'm happy with the end result of the song. I'm really proud of how my initial demo turned out to be. If you're deciding if you should work with him or someo..."
"A pleasure, great communication, on time, understands the songs direction and doesn't appear to have any airs about him at all! Doing another three tracks."
"Very talented and professional producer and musician. Drinis well versed with instruments, especially guitar and can produce any other instrument. "
"I really enjoyed working with Sandra, she's really professional. I came with one song but in the end we did two. Thank you, Sandra!"