Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Timido
Top quality mix and mastering engineer with over a decade of experience; CLA mixing style. You'll NEVER be disappointed! Judge by yourself: listen to the music uploaded and linked in this profile
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I am a Rapper From Nepal. I am also a Graphic Designer,Sound Engineer,Producer.
1 Luv is an American Idol & X Factor Finalist. She has studied voice and production with Berklee College of Music and recently earned her master's certificate in music business. She has opened for acts such as Jagged Edge, Wu-Tang Clan, and Cher Lloyd.
I try do it as good as I know. Firstly, always listen the music before recording. Music must be listened, it's an emocional energy. From there, we can work. Trust your ears: if it sounds good, that's fine. No rules. If you have to use +17 dB to get the sound you want, go ahead. The important thing is how it sounds, not what you did to achieve it. "
I´m specialized in Producing and Mixing. Every Genre is welcome
I've spent the last 40 years recording tracks including Piano, Organ, Orchestration, Producing, Tuning Vocals, Mixing various Gospel, Country Artist. My forte would be Dubbing Keyboard Parts and Orchestration work. Work includes the largest show in The South East, The Carolina Opry, Daryle Singletary, Rhet Akins and John “Bo Duke Schneider.
Creative and dynamic cellist and composer. From pop music touring to classical music.
+15 years in the music industry. 200+ studio recordings as recording engineer. Main Live Soundengineer with Clubz (Mx), La Chica (Fr) , Girl Ultra (Mx). Session Pianist for the mexican mythical band "Los de Abajo" (2017-2019). Avid Certified Pro Mix Engineer.
Recent Successes
"I think one of the unique talents that Benny has, is that he understands each composition. With this being said , I can hear this in the mixes I receive back. It doesn't seem genre or instrumentation throws him. Each..."
"Andrew, I am extremely happy about the perfect result in such a short time. You are really an incredibly talented singer which was able to fulfill my ambitious vision. And honestly: this is the best compliment I can g..."
"Eileen has an awesome voice! My project was difficult and Eileen handled it beautifully! Highly recommend :)"
"Awesome work, very soulful.... love it."
"The lyrics were great, and the execution was even better. Vivek is a phenomenal rapper, definitely work with him!"
"Working with Ofo was amazing, he went beyond my expectations to create an amazing hit. His communication skills helped a lot to achieve fast and efficently the project. I definitely recommend him as a producer!!!!"
"Scott's work was amazing! I could not have been happier and when I sent him an incorrect file he did not flinch in fixing my own error without complaint. I highly recommend him for anyone who wants a pro vocal "
"It's like Dakota can look into my mind. He knew exactly what I wanted and what changes should be made in the song to make it a hit song. I'm so proud of the result, would definitely work with him again!!"