Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anirudh Varma Collective
Rated as the best singer songwriter and producer in the country by my grandad I can make killer vocal melodies for your tracks as well as do an end-to-end production for the same. I've been a session guitarist and vocalist for various jingles, commercials and Albums in the past for clients ranging from Jazz Composers to Automobile companies.
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Sofita Studios are professional recording and production studios located in Athens, Greece. Here numerous songs (over 300 LP's and 400 singles) were recorded and produced during the years, since 1995.
We're a team of producers and songwriters with extensive industry experience. We want to help you create records that you're proud to show your fans and hopefully helps you gain a step forward in your career. For years we've been in the background helping pro artists advance themselves. Now it's your turn!
Jared Henderson is a drummer/producer/engineer based out of Colorado Springs, Colorado. He has been touring and recording professionally for the past 15 years.
Nikky Bourbon is a versatile solo artist whose skills include vocals and composition in several genres. She is currently a growing artist and being booked organically for incredible shows as a female headliner with a terrific set of cultural mesmerizing music and a high-energy performance.
La based Pop R&b and Rock top liner with blue eyed soul i bring Emotive lyrics that connect Proven professionalism and on-time delivery. And passion for enhancing your vision.
Lets make your next hit! I am a multi genre singer/song writer and beat maker!
Hyperpop, hip hop, post punk, alt and emotrap vocal mixing and mastering services
I'm a session musician, which means that I record all things piano for you to add to music project, whether that be your original song, a cover, or a synthesizer sound for a hip-hop beat.
Recent Successes
"He did a very good job, we're happy with the mixes. Also, He added the BVs in the songs, which improved the final result a lot. Expecting to work with him aga..."
"Due to unfortunate circumstances I only had a stereo pre-master to give to Jaytech.. but he managed to polish it up nicely beyond my expectations! Highly recommend Jaytech.. even just for his mastering skills."
"I offered him to record Acoustic Guitar. It has a style that best matches the song and he has a great sense! Work is fast and communicates politely."
"Well done . ran dry tracks with Sam with little discussion he got the mix it wanted . I totally recommend his percussion skills unbelievable what this guy can create with your songs . "
"Great mixer. I'd pick Matt Bishop everytime!"
"Yet another successful track completed with Noah! Never disappoints and always puts the time and effort to achieve the very best sound possible. Great suggestions and communication. Definitely my go to and I highly re..."
"Fabian mastered my new song and simply nailed it. Thanks a lot. "