Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andrei
- Professional sound engineer, bilingual French/English - +1.000.000 streams on streaming platforms - Aired on French Radio
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Orchestral music, 100% original and amazing. I am an experienced music producer and sound engineer, dedicated to accomplish realistic orchestral songs suitable for videogames, movies, etc.
We work with your mixes not for two, five or ten hours but until it sounds as best as possible!
Hy. I’m a musician from Romania, I produce mix and master in a variety of different genres and I’m also a session guitarist. I can help you bring your musical vision to life.
andgmusic.com is Composing and Producing Great Music for your Art. I am super approachable and happy to discuss your project in greater detail.
Professional Guitarist for Bere Gratis and Gheorghe Zamfir since 2015 Music Producer, Session Guitarist and Songwriter from Romania
Hello, my name is Andrei, and since 2018, I've been creating music of many genres, including EDM, Drum And Bass, Trap, and Indie.
Need a hit song, EP or album written/produced? Songwriter, Producer & Mixing and Mastering Engineer with 20M+ views & Romanian #1 co-production. I can write chart-topping music for you and get any sound you would like.
Quality, Professional, Industry, Unique, Fast Communication Mixing & Mastering Service
Recent Successes
"Brandon did another spectacular job! His voice draws you in with rich soulful lows, and crisp highs just like his bio says! Also, if you're looking for a singer that has commercial appeal, look no further. He's right ..."
"This is my second time working with John, and I can’t state this enough; he is the best of the best. It’s so much fun to go through the creative process with John, and the tracks he makes are wicked awesome and top no..."
"All round top talent -- so good to work with Riley on this track and I can't wait to collaborate in the future."
"Pure magic! Back to Back Hits! G took my notes and brought my song to life better than I imagined 🔥🔥🔥"
"Fantastic mix and master job as always! Worked with us on some very particular vocal notes from the artist, was helpful and willing to make adjustments to get to where the artist was happy with the result."
"Rob delivered a pretty challenging bassline very timely and performed excellently. His tone and recording quality is crystal clear and world class! He was also able to take my pre-written bassline and add his own crea..."
"It is a privilege and big joy for me to work with Yoad. He did the first part of my album, can't wait to do the second! "
"Charles was great! I had a lengthy project and he was always kind and attentive to my revisions and speedy with delivery. I am very pleased with the product that was delivered! Thank you Charles! "
"A total pleasure. CHris was responsive and got the vibe of the tune right away. Definitely use him again."