Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with America From the Ground up Season 2
Experienced in VO Engineering: radio ads, audio books, sound design, tracking, editing, mixing.
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We are a production duo based out of LA. We have produced for major artists such as Demi Lovato, Madison Beer, and Justine Skye.
We are working for international projects since 2004 for Music recording , Mixing , Mastering, Game, Voice over and many unique project as like Siri Korean version, Developing voice recognition system.
I master songs for new artists at affordable prices. Specialized in the genres of Hip hop, Cloud Rap, and Pop. Will offer fast service in the time frame of 2-3 days.
I am a music producer from Hamburg, Germany. I am mainly active in the field of dance music, rap and pop music. If you have a project you want to work on with me, just contact me. I am looking forward to our collaboration.
I'm Edgar and I will mix/master your music. I've mixed and mastered hundreds of records for artists in all genres and styles. Contact me before ordering so we can discuss your next project. My goal is to serve the artist, serve the song. the purpose of work is for the client to be happy with the result.
Worked with many great musicians and vintage devices.
The music that creates your breathing patterns! With experience across stages such as ADE, clubs like Egg London, and supported by the industry titans, I produce music to resonate through to everyone. Music that leaves a footprint in the industry!
I am a composer, producer and musician. I can compose music in a neo-classical or post-modern style. I can also write, record, and produce ambient music. I would love to be involved in collaborative projects.
Recent Successes
"It was fun working with AQA. Quick response and no hesitation in working out the song with me. Would recommend."
"Very professional and helpful, Was more then willing to work with me to produce something i was very pleased with. Will look forward to working with in future."
"Mark has done a fantastic job mixing one my song. He has been very efficient and very patient, perfect communication skills. Hope to work with him again in the future, great professional. Totally recommend him! "
"Had Rachel record cello on a second track and highly recommend her! The quality of her work is great and she is efficient and transparent about the timeline for recording her parts which makes everything seamless. She..."
"I was impressed by how quickly FrankyG understood the type of Afrobeat I was going for. FrankyG was able to put together beats that fit well with my slower tempo song. I look forward to working with him again! "
"Feel like I stumbled on gold with Biometrix. Super welcoming & professional, comms were great. I had a difficult project but he instinctively knew how to handle everything creative AND technical. Pure talent!!"
"As always it is a pleasure to work with KUYANO as he exactly knows what he is doing and is very responsive and cooperative, looking for the highest quality. This is why I will immediately go back to him in the future...."