Frankie Midnight

Keyboardist / Composer

Frankie Midnight on SoundBetter

Hello! My name is Frankie and I am a keyboardist, composer, session musician, and singer based out of New York City.

My entire life has been a pursuit of musical endeavors. This is how I have ended up where I am today: A young New York based keyboardist and musician. I have plenty of experience playing jazz piano and organ gigs, wedding receptions, ceremonies, scoring for both dance and film, as well as singing and performing original music. I have made a living as a teacher and performer in the New York/New Jersey area.

I will record high quality piano, keyboard, organ, or synthesizer tracks from my home studio for your song! All I need is an mp3 or wav of your song with any instruction regarding parts & tones and I will deliver tracks to you within a few short days. Additionally, I specialize in songwriting, composition, and scoring.

I am committing to giving my all to your project. Reach out to me and let's get started!

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.


  • English

Interview with Frankie Midnight

  1. Q: Tell us about a project you worked on you are especially proud of and why. What was your role?

  2. A: I am proud of my work as an interdisciplinary artist with a dancer I worked with in which I composed and performed a variety of sounds live on stage as she danced. Together we created a 4-5 minute piece, it was a very proud moment for me when we finally performed it in New York City.

  3. Q: What are you working on at the moment?

  4. A: I am working on my own original music!

  5. Q: Analog or digital and why?

  6. A: I am digital because I was born into the digital age.

  7. Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?

  8. A: That I will do my best to produce the highest quality work in the most timely fashion.

  9. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  10. A: I love music, working with others, and learning from musical oppurtinites.q

  11. Q: What questions do customers most commonly ask you? What's your answer?

  12. A: Customers commonly ask how quick I can get work back to them, and my answer is usually within a few days.

  13. Q: What's the biggest misconception about what you do?

  14. A: That I specialize in just one thing. I can truly do all the things I say I can do.

  15. Q: What questions do you ask prospective clients?

  16. A: Please give me all of the information I need up front in order to effectively work with you.

  17. Q: What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?

  18. A: If you are looking for someone for a lower price but with great promise, I am your person!

  19. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  20. A: I would bring my laptop, Nord keyboard, Korg Prologue, microphone, and speakers.

  21. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  22. A: I have been a professional musician since I was a teenager, in which I started teaching piano lessons and performing at local restaurants and bars in New Jersey.

  23. Q: How would you describe your style?

  24. A: I wouldn't say I have a set style as I am able to adapt to many musical styles. But if I had to pick one, I would say my style is a mix of singer-songwriter, jazz, and funk.

  25. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  26. A: I would love to work with Stevie Wonder because his songwriting, singing voice, and everything he represents deeply inspires me every day.

  27. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  28. A: Punctuality! It is the most important aspect to getting a remote project complete.

  29. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  30. A: I usually work in the field of jazz and accompaniment, although I have done plenty of recording, composing, scoring, and songwriting as well.

  31. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  32. A: My strongest skill is the ability to work with others in a positive way that optimizes the benefits for us both.

  33. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  34. A: I bring my ages of experience, intuition, and dynamic knowledge of music to the recording of a song.

  35. Q: What's your typical work process?

  36. A: I look at what is requested of me and I begin to brainstorm the best outcome for the client. Then I communicate what I have in mind, and once we figure out exactly what the client is looking for, I get to work and present to you what I have made.

  37. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  38. A: I have a Yamaha CLP-635, Nord Electro 6, and a Korg Prologue. All of these can be directly inputted into my computer in which I use Logic Pro.

  39. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  40. A: Stevie Wonder, Bill Evans, and Steely Dan inspire me to name a few.

  41. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  42. A: The most common work I do is recording keyboard tracks, which could be piano, electric piano, organ, or synthesizer. I also do plenty of composition and scoring, as well as songwriting.

Isn't It Funny - Frankie Midnight

I was the composer, pianist, arranger, and producer in this production

Terms Of Service

You can expect a response from me within 24 hours. For extensive work, I may request more money depending on the circumstances.

GenresSounds Like
  • Stevie Wonder
  • Bill Evans
  • John Williams
Gear Highlights
  • Nord Electro 6HP
  • Yamaha CLP-635
  • Korg Prologue
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