Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Amber Elout
I will produce and mix your song(s) Lets have a zoom coffee to get to know eachother :)
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Hi, My name is Yannic, and I'm a Musician, Songwriter, Producer, Composer and Audio-Engineer from Ingolstadt, Germany. Since I was a child my whole life is about music. I've been playing several Instruments and practicing my craft for many years.
Song writing & Composing soundtracks, arrangements, or just simple soft pop or rock songs, ballads or top line vocals.
Greetings! I am a music producer focusing on all-original, instrumental productions for artistic collaborations. Born in the Bay Area, I am now based in Seattle, Washington - although I love working with artists worldwide! Focusing on conscious music and peace activism, I look forward to developing new collaborations with artists across the globe.
I have unique melodies, and chord progressions as my number 1 motivation and driving force, and know what topliners will fit your track!
Hello! I am Lucas Tegui from Buenos Aires. I am a singer and songwriter. I hope you keep me in mind to work on your projects!
I work in the sound industry for 9 years.
Papers Lead is a team of professional writers that help students deal with all kinds of academic assignments.
Hi, I'm Novecento. I'm a producer, pianist, composer and arranger here to turn your ideas into a professional song. I always try my best to be original and create a sound different from others'. The study path (Film Scoring) I'm following at the Bologna Conservatory of Music really helps me bring deepness and versatility to the music I make.
Recent Successes
"Very patient!"
"I never realised that I had swuch an exacting drum formulation/pattern in my head which is not the easiest thing to convey. Kyle stuck with me through the many amendments that I detailed and eventually arrived at exa..."
"Lonny is amazing to work with. One of the best!"
"Larry has a fantastic ear for knowing what goes best in a groove, and his never-ending instrument collection makes it so fun to do more tracks with him."
"Ariana is insanely talented.Wow.Just wow!She is so fast,I never seen anything like this.Her work is incredible!She got the best voice,best writing skills and her unique mind gave so much into my song.Her voice is unma..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Top producer ANONYMOUS. Out of the box thinking! Nows what he doing. Especially the special effects, voice editing and mixing is excellent! Really recommended !"
"A+ Work As Always!"