Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Amarii
I specialise in hip-hop and RnB beats and songwriting. My sound is fresh and unmatched.
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I am your man for all things Post-audio. I do Sound design for film (since 2009, including Dialog, FX, Foley, ADR, 5.1), Music engineering and ALL THINGS MIXING. I have worked with all manor of creatives and I consider my ability to adapt to my client to be my best quality. Let's make something!
Award winning composer, female singer, instrumentalist, arranger, mixing engineer and producer
I work with singer-songwriters, specializing in the genres of folk, rock, and pop. In recording sessions, I bring my expertise as a vocal coach to get the best take from vocalists. I give meticulous care and attention to each of my mixing and mastering projects so you can have a product you believe in.
Will definitely put my heart at Christian EDM and Gospel music. Lets work!
Give your musical masterpiece the love it deserves with audio mixing and mastering. Have it polished, tweaked, and ready for your listening audience with Midnight Mastering.
Hey I'm Radio Control. I am great at hearing an individuals specific style and sound to create a vocal experience tailored for their brand. I love collaboration, and want to make sure every project I'm involved with is unique, attention grabbing, and most of all perfect art that reps you and your audience.
I specialise in hip-hop and RnB beats and songwriting. My sound is fresh and unmatched.
I will record Trumpet lines to your song, make the arrangments or improvise.
Recent Successes
"I'm very satisfied with the professional quality of the music Robert produced for my song “A ChristMax Carol”. His ability to patiently listen and then turn my layman’s language into music gold is the sign of a true p..."
"Awesome sauce! Great communication! Nails any instructions! Fast! Will be using him again in the very near future!"
"This was Number 5 with Kimera. I don’t know how she is doing this but the results are so amazing and she is unbelievable fast. She instantly knows what a song needs. So professional and easy to work with. Vocal mixing..."
"Working with Thomas is fantastic every time. HIs intuition, skill and technical abilities are amazing. His mixes are warm, dynamic, balanced and full. Always a pleasure - always surprised at the results. Would hig..."
"Sophia was a pleasure to work with! Will definitely be working with her again! "
"I was blown away by all aspects of this incredible service!...professional and timely communication, taste and feel of parts, quality of wav files, correct interpretation on where I was coming from. I am fairly partic..."
"Timely response & execution. Helped bring my visions to life. A homerun. Thanks again! "
"Simply put, Phil makes every song that he touches more vibrant and expressive and beautiful. He is a treasure. I highly recommend him for any project. "